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Type: Posts; User: Suzie_Homemaker

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  1. I'd give them notice. I'm sorry but I would. ...

    I'd give them notice. I'm sorry but I would.
    It's a group care situation and after 6 weeks if she's not adjusting, she's unlikely too. I know each province is different but here we can't have...
  2. Replies

    The rules about subs vary province to province....

    The rules about subs vary province to province. Here, we can have a sub, or another helper, but we cannot increase our numbers with extra adults. In Canada, if you determine someone's work location...
  3. It depends where you are. Day care regulations,...

    It depends where you are. Day care regulations, including ratios, are set provincially not Nationally. What province are you in?
  4. MY experience from a different perspective - I...

    MY experience from a different perspective - I have had clients who came from a day home where the provider had a baby and planned to bring in a cover. The issue for my clients was they interviewed a...
  5. Replies

    You need to call your own provincial department...

    You need to call your own provincial department and check. You should also check your local bylaws. Here the day care regs for unlicensed care don't specify building type but our bylaws stop anyone...
  6. Replies

    If I have to close it will be because I am ill...

    If I have to close it will be because I am ill myself or because of a positive result in the day home. If it's me, then I get 5 paid sick days a year and so will use them and then use vacation days...
  7. Replies

    I can't offer transition days/hours unless I have...

    I can't offer transition days/hours unless I have an empty space. If a client wants to use that empty space to transition, then their start date needs to be agreed to be earlier than their needed...
  8. Replies

    This won't be the popular answer but YES. Until...

    This won't be the popular answer but YES. Until the children leave, I am working. I wouldn't work outside the home and be cooking dinner on the clock. If you agreed to work until 6pm, then to me,...
  9. Replies

    When I opened I had an elderly but very friendly...

    When I opened I had an elderly but very friendly cat and when she passed away, I did consider bringing a puppy into the home. The client's I had were very mixed about it. Some who had dogs were fine...
  10. Replies

    I don't accept rotating shift client's unless...

    I don't accept rotating shift client's unless they pay for the full week. They can use all 5 days or not as they wish but it solves these issues.

    I would give them notice of a change in your...
  11. I find this very distasteful and unprofessional....

    I find this very distasteful and unprofessional. It's one thing to have to reduce day care children because YOU have a new baby but to care for your nephews, I think that's really bad. Why wouldn't...
  12. Replies

    Its hard to offer advice from outside the...

    Its hard to offer advice from outside the province because we are all in slightly different situations.

    I have been closed since Monday 16th March. I also have client's paying a portion of fees...
  13. Replies

    I serve food too and it's one of the big things...

    I serve food too and it's one of the big things that bring people to me. There's lots of amazing child care provider's around me but few will supply the food.

    I have very little food waste but...
  14. Replies

    She won't stop until she's had time to adjust....

    She won't stop until she's had time to adjust. She's a baby! This is normal.

    She has been taken from her home, with her Mom, and her toys, and put with a stanger, in a strange house, with strange...
  15. Replies

    Same as BlueRose. Parnets need to provide food if...

    Same as BlueRose. Parnets need to provide food if they have dietary requirements regardless of if they are medical or life choice based. No fee reduction.

    I had one child who had a lot of severe...
  16. Replies

    ANy time someone wants your money be wary. In...

    ANy time someone wants your money be wary. In PEI. I have my police check available for any potential clients. I think most provinces people do have both their criminal and child abuse checks...
  17. Replies

    This might well be a comment made intentionally...

    This might well be a comment made intentionally because they feel that the naps should be phased out. We've all had that parent who believes that losing the day time nap equates to an earlier bed...
  18. Replies

    The build is unlike to be connected and totally...

    The build is unlike to be connected and totally irrelevant. She's just one of those kids. Had a few over the years.
  19. Replies

    If you are expecting a new baby, wouldn't a quad...

    If you are expecting a new baby, wouldn't a quad stroller be more sensible?
  20. Replies

    I just let them know that I cannot and will not...

    I just let them know that I cannot and will not do interview during day care hours for several reasons :-

    1. My primary responsibility in day care hours is the children in my care. It is neither...
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