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Type: Posts; User: steellotus

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  1. Replies

    I'm not a childcare provider, but my son has...

    I'm not a childcare provider, but my son has these spots. He is 1/4 asian, and I always make it a point to mention and show new childcare providers. I saw a judge judy episode about this very thing =/
  2. Replies

    I'm so sorry for your loss, GravyTrain. Though I...

    I'm so sorry for your loss, GravyTrain. Though I am by no means a regular on these forums, I thought I might be able to offer a little bit of support.

    My husband and I struggled with infertility,...
  3. Replies

    I don't have anything to contribute, but I have...

    I don't have anything to contribute, but I have to say your name almost made me spit out my coffee.

    If its in reference to what I think it is. "Chiiiiiiilllll winston... it's only me.... charlie...
  4. Depending on your school they may offer daycare...

    Depending on your school they may offer daycare facilities to you- if cost is an issue (and I understand it can be) this may be your best option. There may be subsidies are grants available but you...
  5. Replies

    I thought I'd chime in. I'm currently 7 weeks...

    I thought I'd chime in. I'm currently 7 weeks pregnant with my 2nd. It took 2 years ttc with my first- found out after going to the fertility clinic I didn't ovulate, even though I was having regular...
  6. Replies

    I remember the deleted post as well. I can't say...

    I remember the deleted post as well. I can't say who wrote it, I do not recall, but there was absolutely a message that accused the parent of keeping the child locked up in a crate.
Results 1 to 6 of 6

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