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Type: Posts; User: daycaremom9

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  1. Replies

    Just wondering if daycares that are still open...

    Just wondering if daycares that are still open with lost income are eligible for this benefit? Are you open?
  2. Paid stat days

    Just wondering if any BC daycares charge for paid stat days?
  3. Replies

    Busy ECE Mom, just wondering if you charged for...

    Busy ECE Mom, just wondering if you charged for stats if the child was part time or just for full time?
  4. Paid stat days

    I'm just wondering if any of the daycare operators here charge for stats? I've been thinking of doing this for clients that come at least 3 days per week and also only if the stat is their regularly...
  5. The family daycares that have opted in would...

    The family daycares that have opted in would receive $60-$200 for each child in order to decrease the parents fees by the same amount.There would be a list of which daycares have opted in on-line....
  6. Just a heads up from B.C. Our government has...

    Just a heads up from B.C. Our government has started a Fee Reduction Initiative. Daycare providers are given the choice at this time if they want to opt-in. All parents are eligible to receive this...
  7. Replies

    Thank you for everybodies input. I think having...

    Thank you for everybodies input. I think having a fee for later pick-ups is a great idea, that way if they really need more travelling time, then it is available. I have no problem giving parents...
  8. Replies

    Changing maximum 10 hour care policy

    I'm finding that my parents are choosing to run errands, go to the gymn etc after work instead of coming to pick up their children. About a month ago I changed my closing time for the same reason but...
  9. Replies

    Out-of-schoolers rate?

    Hi everybody. Hope you had a restful summer. I find the summers busier than any other time between having extra out-of-schoolers and trying to fit the family activities in.

    I'm just curious as to...
  10. I've been doing this for almost 10 years and I...

    I've been doing this for almost 10 years and I get the odd jab. It seemed to happen more in my earlier years or maybe I just basically pay no mind to it now. I don't think the parents even realize...
  11. Replies

    Great info, thanks so much. My husband and sons...

    Great info, thanks so much. My husband and sons are all in the construction business so that will make things easier. They'll be able to do a lot of the work themselves. We'll definitely be doing it...
  12. Replies

    Totally changing the subject but Suzie Homemaker,...

    Totally changing the subject but Suzie Homemaker, any tips for renovating kitchen while you're operating daycare? This is something that we'll be dealing with in the not too distant future. Thanks.
  13. Replies

    I adapt my current program already as I have...

    I adapt my current program already as I have varying ages, the oldest being 5 years so it wouldn't be a stretch for kindergartners. I don't provide food so that's not an issue. But another provider...
  14. Replies

    Summer care

    Just curious whether you ladies would have the same payment policies for summer care. I have a parent interested in summer care for twice a week. There are a few exceptions as the family is going...
  15. Replies

    So how is your day after Family Day going Van? I...

    So how is your day after Family Day going Van? I also live in the lower mainland so I was also closed yesterday. I am so unorganized today and had 2 new kids start today, which didn't help. Gonna...
  16. Replies

    She has her mother and hubby who I would think...

    She has her mother and hubby who I would think would want to be at the hospital. She told me when she requested the 4 days that the 22nd is the crucial day that they need and she's been so good to me...
  17. Replies

    I have a 2 year old that started almost a year...

    I have a 2 year old that started almost a year ago at the age of 14 months. She cried almost all the time for 2 weeks. She would go home with a hoarse voice. At the end of 2 weeks, one day I noticed...
  18. Replies

    Such a busy day of baking! So looking forward to...

    Such a busy day of baking! So looking forward to 2 short weeks. I'm closing early on Christmas & NY's Eve (3:00). Other than Christmas I'm taking the Monday after Boxing Day off.
  19. Replies

    We also had an extended family member pass away...

    We also had an extended family member pass away this past Monday. I'm really bummed out since one of my old clients asked if her son could come back for 4 days over the holidays. She just so...
  20. Thread: In-Laws

    by daycaremom9

    My MIL was really sick last spring, basically on...

    My MIL was really sick last spring, basically on her death bed (or so we thought). So we went to visit and my father-in-law had arranged for us to stay at one of their friend'so condo (they went back...
Results 1 to 20 of 100
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A few tips...

Always ensure that your child receives quality care by taking the time to investigate the provider and by asking for references! We simply cannot verify the claims of every daycare provider.
We expect providers to keep their listing and available openings up-to-date. However, to prevent oversights, openings expire after 45 days.
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