Please resolve this issue. On October 10, 2019, I emailed “webmaster” regarding another daycare provider reviews’ on my listing. I have not received any acknowledgement that they are actually working on this. Again, I would appreciate it if you/webmaster could resolve this issue ASAP.
Thanks again,
Original Email Sent to Webmaster@daycarebea r October 10, 2019
Hello, I have been a member of daycare bear for several years. My account was inactive for the past year as my daycare was full. I just went back into my account to update it and realized there are four reviews belonging to another daycare provider (Tinkerbell Daycare in Kanata, run by Alice). I would greatly appreciate it if you could rectify this as soon as you possibly can. Alice is missing 4 great reviews, and I don’t want these reviews confusing potential clients).
Thanks so much,