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  1. #21
    Euphoric !
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    599 Times in 439 Posts
    I find that mine are still hungry for lunch at 11:45 even though I have moved snacktime to around 10 so that the mornign nappers are up and I only have to serve one snack. Maybe you could serve a smaller snack...just some fruit or something small, so that they don't fill up before lunch.

    Quote Originally Posted by daycaremom9 View Post
    I have some kids that have breakfast here and some that don't. The ones that have already had breakfast aren't hungry at 8:30. So I end up having different kids having different snack times. I'm not sure how to work it so the morning nappers (who have breakfast before their naptime) don't have to wait until 12:00 lunchtime to eat and the kids that have breakfast at home aren't hungry for lunch because I give them a snack at 9:30. KWIM

  2. #22
    Euphoric !
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Ottawa, Ontario
    1,469 Times in 1,125 Posts
    What works with the later snack is to serve the fruit and then at lunch not serve one so it reduces the amount of food being served then. It is like having one huge meal in sections of the morning.

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