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  1. #1
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    Holy freakin' energy batman!

    I seriously think this dcb(2.5) is on speed or something. He is like a whirl wind that leaves disaster everywhere he goes. Today is his 5th day here and he is the same EVERY DAY. He bounces from 1 thing to the next and trashes my daycare within minutes. Today I finally decided that I'm NOT going to allow him to trash my d/c space so I locked him out of the play area and only allowed him the cars and the LP garage thing to play with or the ride on toys...or he could sit at the table and colour with the others if he wanted. He was only allowed in the play area when I was in there and we were all sitting for circle time. This seemed to calm him down a bit since he couldn't really bounce around so I'm gonna continue doing it for now but I feel mean since the other kids can go where ever they want but wow...this kid is hyper! If I didn't do this today, he wouldn't of played with anything longer than 30 seconds and just ran around pulling everything out. I have him sitting waaaaay at the end of the table away from everyone so he doesn't disrupt them while we eat since he is constantly fidgeting and moving the table, bugging the others, etc. He exhausts me and I'm seriously thinking of giving him the boot if I don't see improvements by the end of the month. The only ...and I mean only...saving grace for this kid is that he will stay laying down and be quiet until I go get him from quiet time. He didn't the first day or 2 and I had to talk to the parents about it. He would get off his mat and bang on the door or walls. He comes at 10:30 a.m. so he's here for about 2 hours before nap time and he leaves at about 4:45 so active for another hour and half or so after quiet time.

    When I mention to the dad about his energy level, he just says..."ya, there's no shortage of energy with him". NO SH!T! I'm not sure exactly what I would tell the parents if I termed him though...and I don't know if I should mention anything about it before his trial period is up or not. Crap...why couldn't he have been normal. For the interview he was pretty busy but most kids are when they come here because everything is new and exciting and they have their parents here with them.

    I have a feeling his parents just let him go at home. They do everything for him. He won't take anything off himself...I make him do this because he is more than capable of undressing himself, he just wants me to do it for him. When he takes off his mits he just flings his hands around until they fly off leaving them where ever they drop. He doesn't seem to know boundaries at all. Ugh...should I talk to the parents and tell them that I'm having trouble dealing with his energy level and that because his energy level is so high, it's causing chaos and stress on the others? Seriously...this kid will step on toys like they're not even there, push past where he needs to go, etc. I have a lot of little ones here and I can't have him bowling kids over because he is in such a hurry to get from place to place. He screams when another kid even thinks about touching something he was playing with. I don't know, my ds was pretty active but this kid is 1000 X worse than he EVER was.

    If someone falls, he laughs, he went over to a table where my dd and dck(4) were playing and swiped everything onto the ground (we were outside) and I had to physicqlly make him go and pick it up and return it to the table. He is only 2.5 BUT I don't have the energy to deal with this kid and his behavours. I have a lot of little kids (under 2) and because of his lack of boundaries and energy he could seriously harm them. He ran over dcg(2) when he was in the play car and laughed when she started crying. Normally new kids are a bit stand-offish, quiet and so not like this kid...when he gets comfortable here I can't imagine. He could get better but he could get worse and effect everyone in care. I think when he comes back on Tuesday I'm going to talk to mom about some things. Ask her what he's like at home, how he plays, if he's had a lot of contact with other kids, etc. and tell her my concerns. THEN...when dad picks up, I'm going to ask him the same thing to see how similar the stories are. If I loose them over it...no big deal because I'll probably be getting rid of them anyway.
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  2. #2
    Euphoric ! Dreamalittledream's Avatar
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    Re: "having trouble dealing with his energy level and that because his energy level is so high, it's causing chaos and stress on the others". It's a tough call for sure, so hard to have that nice, easy routine and then KAPOW, this new little person, who seems to be way overstimulated by everything & everyone suddenly new to him. I currently care for 2 little boys that are 2.5 as well...and for sure I saw the "wouldn't of played with anything longer than 30 seconds and just ran around pulling everything out." in the first couple of weeks, but it did get better. I should add that I do have the luxury of only having toys at their immediate access (I limit the quantity a lot and rotate once per week). Puzzles, blocks...things with lots of pieces, or the potential to make a mess I take down on n individual basis as a table activity. I know it's the last thing you have time for is to rearrange things for one little person...but it does helps a lot with my busy, crazy 2 year olds! Best of luck to you!
    Children are great imitators.
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  3. #3
    Starting to feel at home...
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    Oh my goodness, this sounds like my son! Same age, same attitude. I'm so nervous to start my daycare with him because I think he's going to be the toughest to transition! I have started one little girl part time and he is honestly tougher to handle then the little girl! Any advice on how to control him would be awesome. I guess probably limiting the toys... My husband has always said this! I feel like I have to be so much harder on him, more time outs, where I wouldn't probably give the dck's as many time outs for as much as I would give him. Oh the joys of having little boys... It's all worth it when you hear "I lub you so bad mommy"!

  4. #4
    Euphoric !
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    You poor girl. I feel your exhaustion!!!
    For one; I think you are right that mom and dad have not enforced any boundaries or anything like that. I would absolutely talk to them about the safety issues of having him running amok with smaller people around (in different wording, of course!). They need to begin to teach him to be gentle/respectful with others.
    I wonder; most kids do start out quiet, and get more comfortable as time passes. Maybe he is going the other direction though? As in, he is sooooo overstimulated and excited to be there that his energy level ramps up? Hopefully, if that's the case, he will gradually settle in. Not to mention, he will pick up on YOUR house rules and learn that what he does at home won't be tolerated.
    I think you have a good start in limiting what he has access to. Seems mean, but it's not. When he learns to play properly, he can run free like the others.
    It makes me a little nervous that he laughs at others misfortunes. But empathy can be so hard to teach at that age. I would say "Please don't laugh. She's crying because she is hurt/owies/etc and that's not funny." Not sure you can do much else, though. If I had to guess, mom or dad have exposed him to tv shows, etc in which someone falling down, etc is funny. One of my friends used to watch Jackass with his kids (I know!!!) and they would laugh uproariously if someone wiped out.
    To make a long story, well, long- I don't know that I would term until around the 2-3 week mark. If he is full time, you should begin seeing some improvement, at least. If nothing is changing, and you don't see mom and dad being on board.... bye bye!
    On the plus side, if you are able to reign him in a little, you will have a kid who actually stays quiet during quiet time and has a relatively short day, to boot!! Not too shabby.
    Good luck, and let us know which direction you go!!

    PS- "I lub you so bad"... too cute.

  5. #5
    Euphoric ! Dreamalittledream's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mom-in-alberta View Post
    One of my friends used to watch Jackass with his kids (I know!!!) and they would laugh uproariously if someone wiped out
    Speechless!! Wow!
    Children are great imitators.
    So give them something great to imitate.


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