Hi ladies:

If you remember a few months a go I posted about a new little one who’s transitioning was brutal to say the least. She started in January and is 3 days a week. She cried all the time and took like a month to settle. She’s still not 100% as she is very tender around the other 1.5 year old in my care and cries if she touches her or comes near.

She has been ok with me vacuuming but last week for whatever reason she looked extremely traumatized as soon as I got out the vacuum. She screamed her head off while I did a quick vacuum then clapped when I put it away! LOL God bless her, as she is really cute.

She won’t sit in a high chair and refuses to eat most of the time. The only time she eats is after nap and she will only eat finger foods. Her favorite things are oven fries, chicken fingers, ham, crackers, bananas (only sometimes) & cheerios. She won’t eat fruit or vegetables or yogurt? Oh and she loves pasta but it depends on her mood. She’s 19 months old and I have never had a child so head strong or picky and it is making me feel so inadequate. Her parents don’t think it’s a big deal but I spend a lot of time trying to get her to eat.

Any suggestions would be great.