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  1. #1
    Euphoric ! Dreamalittledream's Avatar
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    Personal adjustment to working at home

    I've now been working as a Daycare providor for just under 8 months now and am really suprised at the personal adjustment I've had to undertake from a very social 20+year career outside the home. I have no regrets at all with my decision to stay home with my kids and have far less stress in my life (well, except for the added stress less income brings). But, I'm now struggling with the fact that even beyond daycare hours when my husband is happy to push me out the door (haha) I'm tired and have no desire to go out and socialize. I'm becoming a hermit. Anyone else experience this?
    Children are great imitators.
    So give them something great to imitate.


  2. #2
    Expansive... Play and Learn's Avatar
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    Me! I work from 7:30-5 during the day, and then 3 nights a week I teach dance from 6-9 and on Saturdays I teach from 9-11 a.m.!

    I have no social life left, but am happy to be home. Hubby pushes me out every once in awhile too! lol

  3. #3
    Euphoric !
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    I feel the same. Not much time for social life. That's why I love to take the kids on outings to the parks and playgroups to at least get to talk to other daycare providers. I am a homebody, so it's working out for me, but I do need some socializing!

  4. #4
    Euphoric ! Inspired by Reggio's Avatar
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    Oh I suffered from this initially and feeling very isolated but than I found the forums for my "break time conversations" and took up a hobby with adults that has nothing to do with kiddies to get me out of the house at night and yup sometimes I am tired and it would be easy to say I'm just going to stay home but once I push myself to go I have a great time and feel more energized having had some fun me time doing something I love!
    Children construct their own intelligence. The adult must provide activities and context, but most of all must be able to listen. Children need proof that adults believe in them. Their three great desires are to be listened to, to understand, and to demonstrate that they are exactly what we expect."
    Loris Malaguzzi

  5. #5
    Expansive... Other Mummy's Avatar
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    Yup. That's me. Hermit. But not by choice My day, like all of yours, begins really, really early. And after all the kids leave by 5:30.. Clean up time/dinner/homework/baths) I'm done by 8:00pm And to think ....back in the day I'd be gettup UP at 8:00 pm from a nap to start the evening..but I was in my 20's and single LOL!

    This is why I love spring. Being outdoors and going for 2 hr outings at the park. Meeting other daycare providers and caregivers alike has been wonderful. I hated the winter being cooped up with 7 toddlers/infants. The worst of the bunch were my own two girls!

  6. #6
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    I am exactly that way. Hubby gets annoyed when I don't want to go anywhere at the end of my day.

  7. #7
    Euphoric ! Sandbox Sally's Avatar
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    I am completely, utterly and totally knackered by 5:30 pm. I stumble through dinner, homework and bedtime with my own kids (they're older, so thankfully quite self sufficient with these things), and I can not for the life of me imagine going anywhere on a week night for any reason.

    The weekends, though....that's another story. I am still 25 at heart.

  8. #8
    Over here too! Not by choice either as my day starts early and pick up at 5:30, dinner/clean up and vacume and mop floors, bath and get my little ones into bed and get clothes/lunches ready for next day and I don't even make it to the gym. I also moved to a new city and don't know anyone....and weight gained way to much of that since I've become a daycare provider. It really is an adjustment and you ladies do help!! Although I've never met any in person, it's great to have this connection.
    My weekends are busy though and love being able to sleep in and get out!!

    WOW ~ that post was just screaming to get out

  9. #9
    Euphoric ! Sandbox Sally's Avatar
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    jec if you're in Toronto, I'll hang w you!!

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Alphaghetti View Post
    jec if you're in Toronto, I'll hang w you!!
    If I lived closer I'd take you up on a coffee ...or better yet a glass of wine!!
    I'm not in TO ~ Peterborough. I call it fondly The Patch!

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