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Thread: Breastfeeding

  1. #1
    Administrator Starting to feel at home... admin's Avatar
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    Hello everyone,

    Did you breastfeed your children? Why did you make this choice?
    How long did you choose to do so?

  2. #2
    Starting to feel at home...
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    I pumped for my first for 6 weeks and then bottlefed formula.
    I nursed my 2nd until she weaned at 15 months.
    I nursed my 3rd until he weaned at 2 years old.
    I'm nursing my 4th now...he is 6 months old. He will wean when he's ready; I'm in no rush.

    I breastfeed because I'm lazy and cheap. LOL. I bottlefed my first and know that it was lots of dishes, measuring and mixing. And cost me $100/month! I nurse because it's free and there's no dishes.
    ~ Mama to 4, Dayhome provider ~

  3. #3
    Starting to feel at home...
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    Im with Emilys4guppies... i bf because it was cheaper I bf all of my children for 1yr+

  4. #4
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    I only nursed for 2 1/2 months with my first b/c of thrush, ouch!
    8 1/2 months with my second b/c that's what I thought most people did, lol!
    15 months with my third b/c she self weaned- I was very sad about that actually, but happy that it wasn't any traumatic ordeal, as she LOVED nursing when she was smaller and I was afraid it would be really hard on her.

  5. #5
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    I breast fed my daughter until she was 14 months and we loved it. It was quite a challenge at times- particularly as I went back to work full time when she was 4 months old, so spent a lot of time pumping in the stationary cupboard lol but it was worth it.

    Does anyone else's children have a special name for it? My daughter called it 'mimmy'!

  6. #6
    Starting to feel at home...
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    We call it 'nunnies'.
    ~ Mama to 4, Dayhome provider ~

  7. #7
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    I didn't bf my first as my sister in law said umm my boobies were too small lol and I was too young to know better lol. My second I didn't cause he was a preemie and my third I did and I did the cloth diaper route for the cash saved and better knowledge lol.

  8. #8
    I breastfed my first until she was 18 months, and only weaned because I was pregnant with my 2nd, and was way too tired to nurse. Plus, my milk supply had significantly diminished.

    With my second, I plan to breastfeed at least a year, but know it will be a struggle as I have to go back to work early

  9. #9
    Euphoric !
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    I bf my first only for a month .... I was young and Neither one of us knew what we were doing then the baby got reflux and hospital said to fill bottle with pablum and cross cut the nipple to help keep the food down so that was the end of bf for me and nobody suggested pumping (this was a long time ago and before the bf craze ) then I had a reduction before I had my next one so only feed colostrum for three days then went to bottle .... Third one nursed for 3 weeks .... Fourth one 8 weeks and 5 th child for 8 weeks but at that point he refused to be held while being feed so we went to a bottle. As cost effective as bf is I hated being tied down and I also found as soon as baby latched on another child got into something , needed something, or i needed to break up an altercation and it just wasn't convenient for me but I did some and that was good enough for me .....and I truly couldn't imagine having a child over 1 latched on to me anyway and the latest time magazine with the 3yr old standing on a chair nursing from mum is definately not my cup of tea and it would never happen with me. I do not co sleep, or wear my kids either .... Guess that means I'm not an AP'er.
    Last edited by Crayola kiddies; 05-14-2012 at 08:40 AM. Reason: wrong magazine title

  10. #10
    Euphoric !
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    I breastfed each of mine till they weaned to a cup which was between 10-12 months. I still breastfed at night for a few months after that and most days when they first woke up. I started out pumping for their cups but it was a lot of work and back in those days it was considered acceptable to switch to homo milk at a year so soon just used milk in a cup and breastfeeding at bedtime. My fourth one breastfed till nearly two mainly due to feeding issues and unable to suck properly from a bottle.

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