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  1. #1
    Administrator Starting to feel at home... admin's Avatar
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    49 Times in 15 Posts

    Red face Winning recipes ?


    For all those in search of inspiration... what are your best and most liked recipes?

  2. #2
    Starting to feel at home...
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    Feb 2011
    20 Times in 16 Posts
    Oddly enough, all the kids love fish. Of my top recipes would be salmon patties and salmon paté. Both are prepared with a can of salmon, one egg and approximately 7 crackers. Mix the preparation well. For patties, simply form into patties and cook in a greased pan, serve with vegetables and any side and my kids all love it with lemon. For the paté, mix the preparation with mashed potatoes and mashed carrots (for 3 kids and one adult approx 4 medium sized potatoes and 2-3 carrots) and cook in the oven at 375 for approximately 20-25 minutes. I like to serve this with carrots and peas. Happy eating!

  3. #3
    Starting to feel at home...
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    Region of Durham, ON
    28 Times in 24 Posts
    We LOVE hummus here! We dip all sorts of breads and veggies into it, and almost always have some made.

    Into the food processor goes:

    3 cloves garlic
    1/3 cup tahini or peanut butter
    juice of 2 lemons
    1.5 tsp kosher salt
    2 cups/1 can chick peas
    2 tbsp of the liquid the chick peas came in

    Blitz it until it's smooth! YUM. It really doesn't get more delicious or healthy. All the kids love it. I sometimes add a few shakes of hot sauce if it's my older kids/husband eating it.
    ~ Mama to 4, Dayhome provider ~

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    My daycare loves "Monkey bars"
    Cut a banana in thirds roll in nutella or peanut butter then roll in crushed cereal(I use Special K).
    Thread on popscicle stick and Freeze!


  5. #5
    Shy busybee's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    For meals so far the little ones are not real picky,we will have anything form fish sticks and happy face potatoes,nuggets, lasagna, meat loaf etc.. although I find the 1 1/2 year old that used to eat everything is now loving the meat and straying from the veggies.Her older brother is terrible to get to eat veggies could this be her picking up on his behaviour?. Snacks they love their fruit, apple sauce or yogurt.I do a peanut free home as my god-daughter visits and has a peanut allergy so no monkey bars here lol although in the summer i make orange juice Popsicles they are a hit.

  6. #6
    I'm really glad I found this forum because with my husbands work doing towing services and my journalism we need to put our son Malcolm in a daycare soon and now after reading what your guys said I know what I should pack in his meals. Thank you so much guys!

  7. #7
    I think the best recipes are simple and easy ones!
    My Child likes different potatoes recipes!
    There are 2 the most FAV.
    Look here How long to boil potatoes There are several ways of cooking potatoes with boiling water, depending on what you plan to make afterwards.

    And one more How long to bake a potato Baked potatoes are one of favorite dinner side dishes. There are so many nice recipes using them.

  8. #8
    Yes, there are good and tasty recipes!
    Mashed and baked, fried or roasted, stewed, find your favorite potato recipe here.
    potato recipe

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    If my child wants smt sweet i will cook pig pickin cake

    It is one of those favorite family cakes recipe you could bake instead of muffins and pancakes. I don’t know why it calls pig pickin pie. The top layer is orange as sunset because of frosting made of oranges and chocolate. It is moist and its taste is something you should definitely try it. Decorate it with peanut or candies.

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