This should have been my warning! Coffee...really?! Bingo...must be ADHD. First day today with a 5 & 8 year old that I have taken for the summer (every other week). I saw in interview that this kid was everywhere in the playroom...flitting from activity to activity in seconds (with no tidy up in between). I asked lots of questions about behaviour issues; nothing divulged. So, I chalked it up to a normal, excited 5 year old in a new place (with lots of stimulii around!). 8 year old has been a wonderful helper with my other little ones (I have a 1 day overlap; being all teachers kids, the last of my full-timers, are done for the summer today). I could cry; I so have my regular group well on their way to cleaning up as they go....these 2 new kids aren't happy doing one activity for more than 1 minute! My playroom was a complete disaster in 15 minutes (doesn't help that the taller 2 can reach all the stuff I have stored on upper shelves & activity bins). We all went to our local park; 5 min. in those 2 were tired and wanted to go back to the playroom (no way!). Not to mention, 5 year old so does not listen...that won't last long here, trust me. I am exhausted and it's only 10:45am! I just have them for 4 weeks, and I'm sure it will be easier when my age gap isn't so big; so I'm not going to leave this family stuck...but tell me it gets better.