Hi all,
I just opened my daycare last month. I have a 2yo dcg that comes M/W/F. She is a dream. Mom is great to deal with!! Drops her off at 830 picks her up at 330.
My other family hasn't even started yet and I am already frustrated. Initially mom said full time care starting June, then in May when I was trying to get all my ducks in a row she said "oh no 3 days a week I am off the other two" then it changed to two and starting July. Ok fine.
So she finally got the paperwork done and to me and (in my agreement my hours are 730-6 you pick the hours you are here) she picked 830-530 of course. (her husband works from home but does travel occasionally and she is a dr (my dr actually) and only works til 2 tuesday and starts at 2 on Thursdays)
I also stupidly assumed that it would be school time care come sept but she has made it clear that this is for the summer and she is not sure what she wants to do come the fall.
They are Muslim and have Ramadan coming up in August. Her and her husband will be fasting but not the kids. I asked if there were any special Ramadan activities I can do with the kids and she said "no, just feed the kids because I won't feel like making dinner, just kidding - kind of"
I said ok no problem. just thinking a light snack but now i am thinking she means a full out dinner so I do have to clarify that.
Then today she sends me this email "Ive been meaning to mention to you that since the kids are sleeping late (as the days are longer) they are of course waking up a bit later as well. It was nice when I could just get ready and walk out the door.. and XXX would take over!
Anyhow, I will be bringing them to your place sometime between 830 and 845 because I need to be at work by then.. I'll get them changed but Im not sure how much of a breakfast they will have had.. I hope that isn't a problem for you.. let me know if you have any issues with that.."
I only have these two kids twice a week and my other girl the other three days but really at 40$ per kid/per day for the siblings I need the income, never mind the fact that our daughters and sons are the exact same age and our daughters are attending the same FI program for school come the fall so we will be interacting A LOT. I HAVE to keep things on a good note.
What I WANT to say and what is APPROPRIATE to say are two different things. Do I ask her to bring breakfast for the kids?
I SUCK at trying to get my point across....(obviously since this post is so long!) Please help!! What do I say back to her?
They start tomorrow??