It's a learning curve, but we do get tougher about enforcing our contract rules as we go along and learn when we will make small exceptions and when it is necessary to be strict. So many children's illnesses are contagious even before there are any symptoms showing, like HF&M and Varicella. We can't get away from the viruses no matter what we do.

I always go by my sick policy and especially my fever rules. There have been times when I've allowed a child to stay for the day when they are so lethargic I have to cancel our plans to go outside for the benefit of their health. Technically I have no reason to send the child home but it's nice when the parents make arrangements when they see that their child is feeling like crap.

I've learned to be very flexible with my plans for this reason especially during the winter when you can have multiple sickies in your house and going through boxes and boxes of tissues and you feel like all you do is wipe noses and wash your hands over and over all day!