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  1. #1
    apples and bananas

    Terminating the family that should have been terminated a long time ago!

    I sat in the play room today watching my clock at 5:25 hoping this family would be a few minutes late as it is time to terminate! And ... THEY WERE!!! I was sent a message late afternoon saying a family member would pick up. I waited and they didn't arrive... I had a feeling there was an issue with communication. I sent the text at 5:31 asking where they were... she showed up at 5:36 saying that she was at home... there was a misunderstanding and she didn't even realize XXXX wasn't home. WHAT??? You were missing a child? WOW! (family member babysits her older child at her house.)

    I quickly told her that I had somewhere to be and I would see them tomorrow.

    So, I am going to wait until I recieve payment on Friday then send a termination email that evening. I see no reason to give any notice as she has already asked me if she can pull him for a family member to babysit over the summer.

    I don't have a lot of trust with her either... so I'm a little concerned that if I continue care after termination she will try to stiff me in the end. Not willing to take that risk. She was my first client so I didn't do the deposit towards the last 2 weeks that I do now.

    So frustrating! And I don't want to deal with the conflict. But, i still have a bunch of diapers, wipes and some extra clothes they leave here.

    Wish me luck! I should have terminated a long time ago, but with both kids in care it's hard to see 2 go at once. But she's pulled her older one, so it's just one spot to fill.

  2. #2
    Euphoric !
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    I would not send a termination email. I would type a letter and hand it to them or put it in the child's bag and tell the parent to read the letter that evening. You should put it on paper, it's more business like and they can't claim that they didn't get it, you know?

    I do wish you luck and I'm happy you are certain about your decision. Nobody likes conflict, so just get it over quickly. LUCK!

  3. #3
    apples and bananas
    here's the problem... she pays me via email money transfer Friday evenings... yes... I know... dumb on my part to allow it, but it's pattern now so I can't suddenly demand payment at the door. My policies say "on the last day of care weekly" technically she pays me on time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Oh Apple and Bananas, that sounds absolutely amazing! haha Good for you for getting "rid" of something toxic in your life. I wish I could do the same! I am very envious lol

    I would do a written letter as well, perhaps you could do an email termination and then send them a written one in the mail "for their records". That way it looks like you were just taking your chance and letting them go when you needed to. OR you could drop it off in their mail box Saturday morning lol no, that's silly. I think an email would be fine. To make it more professional, you could write it on a letter head and send it as an attachment. Then it's not in email format but in a professional letter format, but digitally.

    Anyways, I'm happy for you and I hope my termination letter is just around the corner! lol

  5. #5
    Euphoric ! kidlove's Avatar
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    Good Luck!!!!

  6. #6
    apples and bananas
    She shows up this morning and says sorry again for yesturday. It was a total misunderstanding. blah blah blah. She also brought her kid was a peice of bread (against my policies because of severe allergies in my house) and a teeny tiny bouncy ball. Anyone want to guess how the kid reacted when mom pryed it out of his hands then left without hardly saying good bye? Wanna guess how my first 20 min of the day went? LOL

    Is it Friday yet???? Cause I am super excited to issue this termination... and she obviously has no idea it's coming.

  7. #7
    Euphoric ! kidlove's Avatar
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    In a twisted way. "doesnt it feel soooooooo good" to be in control for once. Just seems in this job alot of the time you long for moments of letting the "trouble" families go!!!!!it's ussly just a fantasy you go girl, sure you"ll have a GREAT weekend when its all said and DONE.

  8. #8
    Euphoric !
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    Ok, what's that old saying? FAILURE TO PLAN ON YOUR PART DOES NOT CREATE AN EMERGENCY ON MY PART. I don't think that's quite right, who can fix it? But you ladies need to put this on your front doors or bulletin boards or somewhere that parents can see it.

  9. #9
    Expansive... Judy Trickett's Avatar
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    No, no, no......when you terminate someone in order to continue to receive ANY care within the termination period (so, the last two weeks or whatever your termination notice period is), they have to pay you for the remainder of care the next care day. So, let's say you charge $30 a day and you give them notice of two weeks this Friday. Monday morning she has to come with $300 or she can not come in your door. Period. THAT is how you ensure you do not get screwed for fees for the last two weeks.

  10. #10
    apples and bananas
    Judy, that's a great policy. Let me question it...

    So, I'm the client and you've just terminated me. Then you tell me that in order to continue for 2 weeks I have to come up with 300.00. So... why (as a client) would I continue through the termination period?

    (not arguing, just want to get a better insight of your idea behind the policy)

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