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  1. #1
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    Toilet Training Policy

    Hello Ladies!

    This is my first post so here goes...I am just wondering what your policy is on toilet training? Do you have one and if so would you mind sharing what the policy is.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this

  2. #2
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    This is my policy...

    "We will work in conjunction with parents during potty training. If you have a method that has been working for you, please let me know and I will adopt it for your child. We will work with you – but not for you. Should you discontinue potty training at home, please let me know. If a child shows no interest in potty training, I may choose to discontinue and try again at a later date. If you choose to potty train with underwear, please be sure to supply plastic pants to keep “the mess” contained and please supply a lot of extra underwear and clothes. Soiled clothing will be sent home to be washed. Children must be dry (including bowel movements) in a pull up/diaper or plastic pants for 2 weeks before they will be allowed to wear underwear without plastic pants."

    I won't do the work for them...they need to start it at home and I will continue it here.
    The Daycare Room ~ A forum for providers ~

  3. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to fruitloop For This Useful Post:

  4. #3
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    Thanks for sharing - I really appreciate it

  5. #4
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    Oh I really like that fruit loop, I currently have a 2 1/2 who has been in training since 2 and 1 month. Its not working had to say we need to stop and go back to pull ups I was constantly shampooing and very tired of it! I would almost like to adopt something like I will not attempt training until 2 and 1/2. At least at that point they have a bit more maturity and understanding of what needs to be done. Any children that I know incl my child was trained in a week -2 weeks, when they are ready it happens very fast. I heard the other day on the Parenting show, Allison said the earlier you start the longer it takes, and I now see what she means! I PVR'd the show and I'm going to take notes from it when I have time to kill, a lot of helpful info.
    Anyway I have new carpet coming, so I will be making changes to my toilet training policies. I was told they still leak through the plastic covers. Another idea which I may do is having underwear on and then putting a pull up on. They are still in undies training but its so much easier to catch the mess!

  6. #5
    Expansive... Judy Trickett's Avatar
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    I don't toilet train kids - that's the parents job. I WILL assist in it. And by that, I mean that I will take kids to the bathroom when they ASK me to go. I simply will not take a kid to the potty every 20 minutes. I don't have time for that. When a kid tells me they have to pee then I take them. If they don't then we just continue on in a diaper all day until THEY are ready to recognize AND tell me they have to go.

    ALL kids stay in a pull-up or a diaper until they are accident FREE (as in DRY ALL DAY LONG) for 2 weeks.

  7. #6
    Starting to feel at home...
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    Yup... accident FREE for 2 weeks at MY house.

    I also really push the point that "The child needs to be able to TELL ME that they have to use the washroom" (in other words "No I will not be spending my entire day camped out beside the toilet")

  8. #7
    Euphoric !
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    I don't allow the underwear for training here either in the sense that I am not paid enough to constantly clean up carpets etc after them and I have the others to think about in the sense of the carpet or floor is unsanitary till I can clean it properly - not fair to the others or me. I usually find once a child is able to wake up from naptime with a dry diaper they are ready to start potty training. I put them on after nap and usually "catch" that one which starts the process rolling. We have scheduled diaper breaks throughout the day and children learn to hold it and pee on demand so to speak. If they can't stay dry for the hour - two hours between changes then they are not ready. Just because a child tells me every 20 mins they have to piddle is not really training. I just do not have the time to build that many trips to the bathroom into the schedule and as you all know the needs of one child can not dominate the needs of the group for more than a day here and there. When ready we switch to pullups but use a diaper at naptime. I have used underwear under the pullup for the final stage with the idea that if the underwear stays dry for 2 whole weeks then we can try leaving off the outer layer (pullup). One accident and the two weeks starts counting over again beginning with the following monday. Parents are encouraged to have them in just underwear evenings and weekends and to turn control for knowing when to go over to the child to speed up the process - and they get to see just how many accidents the child is still having.

    Parents often need reminding that it isn't my job to hover over a child and watch for signs. If I see them fine but my eyes are on lots of things all day. Generally the parents that start the earliest seem to become the most frustrated and in the end all the kids are trained in due course so why go to the extreme to make it happen a month earlier.

    Another thing I feel strongly about is that I do not give "rewards" for peeing. We don't give candies for eating lunch, or taking off shoes, or putting on a hat. These are considered maturity rites of passage and using the toilet is the same. It also is the fairest solution in daycare when you have children in various stages of learning at the same time. For families that do choose the reward method when a child does go we make an issue about it and tell them to remind me to tell mommy that they earned their treat at daycare. Then at pickup we talk about it and it is up to the parent to give the reward at home. That way too whatever a family chooses candy, sticker, penny, etc. stays consistent for them.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to playfelt For This Useful Post:

  10. #8
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    Thank you all for such wonderful replies! I have one further question. For boys, do you insist that boys sit while going through the whole potty learning process or do you not care either way if they sit or stand. I just have these visions of pee landing everywhere but in the toilet

  11. #9
    Euphoric !
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    My boys sit. They don't have enough control and sometimes not enough reach to get it in the toilet and yes they don't pay attention to what they are doing. Also it is a time thing in the sense they get bored standing and when sitting can read a book or whatever. I also find and don't take this the wrong way folks but size matters, lol. It just isn't long enough to hang over the toilet. Also depending on circumcision and how much a child sweats it doesn't move around much either - hence points down not out - can you tell I have been toilet training all boys for a long time it seems. Another issue is that sometimes they don't realize they need to pee and poo and I have had more than one stand there and poop while trying to pee. Hence if we sit we catch whatever.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to playfelt For This Useful Post:

  13. #10
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    Too funny!! Thanks for the response and the laugh playfelt...I needed a giggle today!

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