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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
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    Well this reminds me an old saying "barking dogs don't bite " I think her husband is a passive man and she controls him so she must be thinking that she can control everybody around her. Well I guess it's about time she learn her lesson. Good on your husband for not letting this go. She crossed the line in my opinion.
    By the way, your lawyer should know this, you can take her to court for harassment. And as a proof you could show the court all your emails and text messages. Even the received calls from her when she called you in the middle of the night. You can also show them the term letter as a proof as well.

  2. #22
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    Nepean, Ontario
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    She never got a term letter and we can't do harrassment because the ads were not directed at me. He said he's going to see what we can do for the defamation of character, but for now we're going to send the seise (sp) and desist. So far, since my husband spoke to her, we've heard nothing. I am praying to GOD that it's over. My husband is going for surgery tomorrow and he's been nervous about it for WEEKS. So now, he's pretty much bedridden with anxiety. Poor guy. He really took one for the team today.

  3. #23
    Euphoric !
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    Oh wow Littledragon you are going through too much! Good luck with your hubby's surgery, hope it's minor and he is home and recovering nicely by tomorrow night.

    And thank you so much for posting your support with my other little problem when you are the one with the big problem!

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Momof4 View Post
    Oh wow Littledragon you are going through too much! Good luck with your hubby's surgery, hope it's minor and he is home and recovering nicely by tomorrow night.

    And thank you so much for posting your support with my other little problem when you are the one with the big problem!

    No problem!! I do have quite a problem on my hands, but honestly, I have SUCH a support system - my husband and this forum has been AMAZING. I say it over and over again, I don't know what I would do without you guys. i would probably be curled up in a ditch somewhere in the fetal position rocking back and forth. lol

  5. #25
    Euphoric ! mimi's Avatar
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    Little Dragon, best wishs for your hubbys surgery, he sounds like a keeper!

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    I am so sorry to hear what you have been going through! It is unbelievable, but I've run into a few crazies in my career (not yet in my daycare, but this is only my second week LOL). I once had to file a grievance against a colleague who threatened my physically!!! And she was a clinical psychologist with two PhDs. Fortunately, she was aggressive towards many others, so they did believe me, even though it was a horrible time of investigation, her denials, no witnesses etc. Cost me $1,000 in legal bills and in the end, all that happened was she had to get mandatory counselling. I, on the other hand, was shaken to the core and got no help at all, sigh... Anyway, not to whine, just to let you know there are indeed crazies out there, and I'm glad you can be done with your psychoMom. I still had to work with my psycho...

  7. #27
    Euphoric !
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    Treeholm, you endured a horrible experience but thanks for sharing. I think the beauty of being self-employed is that we get to choose the nice families but sometimes they slip under our radar. It scares the bejeebus out of me when I hear a story about a family who will be nice for years then turn bad. How can we ever know? People scare me more than anything else in the world!

  8. #28
    Euphoric ! kidlove's Avatar
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    I know "vengeance" sounds great. but think long and hard before you really pursue any type of legal battle, it could bring more stress than needed. Sounds like you don't "need" any right now. We do live in a "eye-for-an-eye" world......but thats not always the answer. Perhaps just a "threat" toward this woman will suffice and you and your GREAT husband can go on with your lives. Put the past behind you and move forward, dwelling on the trouble, just keeps the trouble around!

    Prayers for your Husbands surgery! Nothing to evasive I hope. Prayers none the less!

  9. #29
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    I can not agreed more with momof4, it's getting harder and harder on us the providers to trust people..

  10. #30
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    Littledragon..it awful what you are going through, hope you can recover soon from this sour moment. I am waiting myself from another Psycho to play something similar on me and let me tell you this is not the way we deserve to be treated after all the hard work we all put into this bussiness.

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