My situation is a bit different, I am only doing before and after school. Right now I have 2 kids 5 days a week and 1 kid only 4 days a week.

It is stated in my policies that stat holidays are paid and they pay if their child is sick.

But what if your told in advance of days the child won't be there? One parent told me today that the child (here 5 days a week) will be not here Monday (only morning) and away all together Thursday and not here next Friday. Also not here on PA Days (I charge $35 for PA Days). I knew in advance before we started about PA Days so don't charge for those days. She already paid for the next 2 weeks so if she is pulling her now Monday morning and Thursday I am not re-inbursing her.

But now the Friday of the Thanksgiving long weekend is throwing me off. Do I still charge her for this day? Cause I am billing her for the stat Monday that follows so I can see this being questioned why she paying for a day the child is not here. I have already been questioned this pay week why they were paying 2 weeks PRIOR to care since the child sick days would have to re balance everything. I told them to re read the contract. Unfortunately the contract doesn't state about days they voluntarily keep the child. I wasn't anticipating so many flex/part time schedules either when I made my contract.

Maybe I need to re-structure the policies and re-submit to the parents?