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  1. #1
    Expansive... BlueRose's Avatar
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    Unhappy This is going to be a long day

    Just need to vent a little.
    I have been fighting a head cold since last Thursday, but still well enough to be open. I have informed all my parents (both of them) that I am open but its up to them if they bring their kids. My before and after school dad, kept his son home last Thursday and Friday, But had to bring him this Monday, Tuesday and this morning, keeping him home tonight. I really do appreciate this. My other daycare dad has brought his daughter very day, her mom could have picked her up early on a few of the days, but no, dad has to do the pick up a 6pm. I understand they have they have to work, but come on the mom can pick the girl up early.
    All the parents have been warned that we are going to be having quiet days, some tv in the mornings (so not a morning person), a short 30 min play time in the back court yard the rest of the time will be free play inside. They are all okay with this.

    I got up this morning and had no voice at all. By the time the dcg arrived I could whisper but that's all. My 3yr son and the 3yr old have been fighting all morning and all I can do is whisper. So they haven't been listening to me, so I pulled out my whistle. That made them stop and listen, but now they want to play with the whistle. My head starting spinning about an hour ago spinning and feels like its going to float away. I have call the girls dad, no answer, same with the mom (who doesn't speak English) I have left them both messages saying one of them have to come pick up their daughter. If it was just my voice them I would just manage to get through the day. If my head was spinning before the parents had arrived I would have closed for the day. I have a feeling that they are going to ignore the messages and not pick her up until 6pm. If I am still little headed by the time they get here I will tell them I am closed tomorrow, if feeling better then will be open tomorrow.

    Its going to be an indoor, tv kind of day. My throat is way to sore to read stories or sing songs this really sucks. i really hate having the tv on during the day, but I just can think straight and am butting all my energy into making sure the kids are safe.

    it looks like both my boys and my husband now have the cold as well.

  2. #2
    apples and bananas
    Oh my goodness! You poor thing. I don't know how you're surviving! But really... they didn't pick up their phone? What if there was an emergency with their child? Not the type of family I would want here.

    The TV is fine on days like this. We all do it. I hope you get some time to yourself this afternoon. If I were you and they don't answer I'd tell them at pick up that you're closed tomorrow. If you had gotten some rest this aft you may have been able to do it, but since they didn't pick up early or call you back you are going to need a recovery day. Hopefully that will teach them!

    Feel better.

  3. #3
    Expansive... BlueRose's Avatar
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    What if there was an emergency with their child? Not the type of family I would want here.
    I am trying to replace this family, but can't until I find a replacement.

  4. #4
    Euphoric !
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    Awwwe... boo to feeling so crappy!!
    I would honestly call them every hour until I spoke to them personally and asked them to come get the child.
    I do not take closing down lightly, and will do all that I can not to do so. But it's going to happen on occasion. It is incredible that they are unreachable. Like it was said; what if it was an emergency??

  5. #5
    Euphoric !
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    I can tell you from experience that it is really, really difficult to run a daycare without your voice, been there done that with a few different winter colds over the past few years. But it can be done. However, the only time I took a sick day was because I was just as you describe, afraid I was going to pass out in the middle of the children and that would not be acceptable. A whistle is a great idea. I use a double hand clap which is my signal at parks for my dckids to come to me and inside when they are so noisy they can't hear my voice even on the best days.

    As far as not being able to contact a parent, do you have emergency contacts for them, grandparents, friends, whoever is their backup if they are unreachable? If I can't reach parents on home or cell phones or at work I start going down the list on their emergency contact form and somebody had better answer or I would send out a warning letter.

    The reason I would be angry is that if I had just sent a child in an ambulance to a hospital and couldn't get hold of the parent it would be horrible and devastating. So I must know if they will be at work or at home. It doesn't matter to me either way, but they are responsible for their own child in case of an emergency. I can't leave the other children. I expect the same in case of vomitting or any other more minor sickness. Can you tell that I'm really angry for you???

  6. #6
    Starting to feel at home...
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    I hope you feel better soon!! I would keep calling until they answer!!!!!
    "If we all could see the world through the eyes of a child, we would see the magic in everything!" - Chee Vai Tang

  7. #7
    Expansive... BlueRose's Avatar
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    I am now throwing up. this day just keeps getting better and better. i thought I was getting over this cold, but I guess I was wrong. I have trying calling again and will keep trying. I have talk to my husband via text and I WILL BE CLOSED TOMORROW. I have been sick to long and with my boys and husband now sick, we have to put our family's health first.

    I have been given two emerg. contact names. I have tried both, since I feel its now unsafe for the girl to be in my care today. No answer with either of them either. I am not happy and can not wait to find another family to replace this one.

    If anyone knows of anyone looking for care in the Lincoln Heights/Britannia area in Ottawa I am looking for clients. I do take subsidy as well as private clients. My website is valerieshomedaycare. weebly.com
    Last edited by BlueRose; 10-24-2012 at 09:46 AM. Reason: spelling

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  9. #8
    Expansive... BlueRose's Avatar
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    I am not the kind of person to take time off for being sick. I have been known to go to work and have had my employees (when I was their manager) send me home. I hate letting people down when they are counting on me. But i am also the kind of person to put a child's safe able all else which is why I am now trying to close, despite the fact I need the money. I have even called my mom to see if she could come over but she is just as sick as I am, so I told her to stay home.

    I am very pissed off that I can not get a hold of any one. If I had enough family's in care. I would terminate at pick up for this lone.

  10. #9
    Euphoric !
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    Valerie, you don't want to give this sickness to all your dckids anyway. Take a day and recover and do NOT feel guilty. If your Mom comes over she will get sick too. I wish you could terminate too because this is completely WRONG for the parents not to be reachable.

  11. #10
    Euphoric ! mimi's Avatar
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    Hey Valerie, I feel for you hon! Take tomorrow to take care of you and when you are recovered have a firm word regarding reliable contact info. This is ridiculous and you are suffering for it.

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