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  1. #1
    Euphoric ! bright sparks's Avatar
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    Dare I say .... Christmas. What are your plans for your Daycare Xmas Party?

    Please dont all groan and boo me for bringing the subject of Xmas up on November 2nd lol

    Maybe I am a control freak, I can live with that, but I like to be organized and book my party at this time of year and notify parents sooner rather than later as I know social events fill up the calendar quickly at this time of year. I'd love to hear other peoples plans for their daycare party, I'll go ahead and start....

    I usually hold the party at my place but having recently moved, I dont want the hassle in addition to the fact that more than half my boxes still stand unpacked as I didnt take any time off other than moving day. Yes what was I thinking??

    This year I have booked my local Ontario Early Years Centre for a small price of $80 which includes 3 hours, all the toys, play stations and kiddie size table and chairs. Also full use of a full size kitchen and ample parking. I personally think this is very reasonably priced.

    I always have 2 craft stations set up for parents to do with their children. One is always reindeer food and the other varies. Last year I did home made scented playdough. One was green with a peppermint oil and one was red with cinnamon. Cheap to make and a big hit. In addition to this, I set up a treasure basket which is obviously Xmas themed or last year instead I had a big basket with simple red and gold plastic baubles, santa hats and antlers. Treasure basket is much more varied in its xmas themed content.

    We do this for the first hour and then Santa comes in ringing his bells. I have used the same santa the last 2 years and he stays for 30 minutes ($50) and I buy all the kids a nice keepsake book which I gift wrap and label. I leave them in a black bag in front of the garage door typically which he transfers into his sack and then one by one he has the children sit on his lap and he gives the gifts out. This 30 minutes can dramatically vary as I am sure you can ALL relate to based on many factors. We try for a group picture which is usually a challenge but lots of great pictures get snapped throughout the party and then after, all the parents email me the pictures which I pass on to all the parents.

    Last year was the first year I fed my families. I made Xmas themed cake pops - xmas trees, snowballs and reindeers, and then the usual meatballs, cheese and meat platter, shrimp cocktail etc etc.

    This may seem like to much work and money for some people, but I love to entertain people in my personal life so its just natural for me to want to do this for my daycare kids. I know a lot of parents don't appreciate the time, effort and money I put into it but I do it for the kids and for the families who DO appreciate me. Also, I secretly love that some of the less involved parents have to make more of an effort to play with their children in front of others. After all, Xmas is a time for families and celebrating them, regardless of your religious beliefs.

    I'd love to hear others plans, and ideas for Xmas crafts.

  2. #2
    Starting to feel at home...
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    That sounds amazing! What do you do for your reindeer food? that sounds like such a cute idea!

  3. #3
    Expansive... BlueRose's Avatar
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    I finished all my Christmas shopping last night. . I am planning a party for my daycare, just not sure what we will be doing yet.

  4. #4
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    I just wanted to say WOW!!!!!! I am the "Christmas a holic " in my family....shopping done and wrapped...but I would never plan so much for my daycare. I am so glad that you do it for you...we all know it will never be appreciated as much as it should! Sounds like a great party!

  5. #5
    Euphoric ! bright sparks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by samantha3 View Post
    That sounds amazing! What do you do for your reindeer food? that sounds like such a cute idea!
    Reindeer food is rolled oats mixed with red and green sugar that I get from bulk barn. I mix it up in my sensory table, or a sand table works too.

    I have old baby food jars or similar size containers from the dollar store. They each spoon their container full and then once its sealed they cover it in christmas stickers. Its a great tradition for parents to have with their kids of throwing the food out for the reindeers on Xmas eve.

  6. #6
    Euphoric ! bright sparks's Avatar
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    Wonderwiper and Valerie WOW!!! You clearly have way to much time on your hands lolol. Last year I was able to get my kids to make a list and write their letters to santa in the Summer break to give myself a headstart on saving versus purchasing at that point. I had everything bought by the end of November and I dont wrap until the week before so the paper isn't wrinkled. Also they believe in Santa so they dont get put under the tree. I dont have anywhere set up for hiding presents in my new house and as my kids are a bit older they go snooping. In addition to this its my sons birthday on Xmas Eve so I have more to plan for and purchase.

    OMG I totally hijacked my own thread hahaha

  7. #7
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    Sounds great! Big, but if that's what you enjoy...

    Actually glad you brought this up. I'm having a dilemma, actually. I've always done a late afternoon party (starting around 4 or earlier if all the parents can make it) We have little, simple snacks, play a game or 2, prepare a concert that we sing, then Santa comes. Last year my son had started school, but my daughter was still part of daycare, so we did it when my son had arrived, and it didn't go so well. He wanted NOTHING to do with the party, until Santa arrived...of course.

    This year mine are BOTH in school, so my original thought was GREAT! I'll do it in the morning...lower key, just me and the kids and Santa will still come. UNTIL I realized how cruel that is to my kids. Santa is coming in THEIR house while their at school! Don't think that'll work. BUT, they're no longer really part of daycare, and don't want to be.

    Now, I do believe that Santa is going to their school...I have to find out more. In which case I could say that he'll see them there...here is just for daycare. But, still....seems so wrong. Unless I do a little party, but no Santa.

    Sorry, I just hijacked this post with my party problem! Any thoughts? My kids are 7 and 5. And they would know if Santa came because they talk a lot with a 4 year old dcb when they arrived from school.

  8. #8
    Euphoric ! bright sparks's Avatar
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    gcj...IMO I think its just part of the reality that they can't have everything accomodated to them. This is a daycare party and they will have their own Xmas parties be it at school, church or other activities. Part of growing up is learning that not everything revolves around them...I am saying this as a parent to a 10 yr old and an 11yr old. I mean no offence.

    I specifically do my party for the families rather than just a little event during the daycare day. I also love to take the opportunity to watch the kids with their families. It really is a pleasure and a joy. It seems like its a big affair, but it really isn't. A few finger foods, visit from Santa and some activities which I am so used to planning and running on a daily basis anyway. This is a great opportunity for everyone to interact including my kids and husband who all have a great rapor with the kids and parents. As a parent who at one time, many years ago now, had my own kids in daycare, I would have been very upset if I was not included in my childs visit with Santa. Thats just my opinion and I know for sure that there are so many parents who dont want to bother with these kind of things but I think its a great experience for the parents to, even if we don't see their appreciation.

  9. #9
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    Wow! You ladies go all out! I used to do a big thing (or I thought it was) and have the parents come and have food and gifts and the whole shibang. But after a year of no parents showing up/caring/ or even thanking me I am done. So now it's just a small thing, the last day of care before my 2 weeks off (so it will be the Friday before xmas). We have crafts, games (like scoop the snowballs with cotton balls and ladles), special treats, and as they each leave I send them home with a gift (usually a book and small toy). Sometimes a parent hands me a gift as well (some even have gifts for my own kids!) and that's nice but I don't expect it. I love the idea about the reindeer food and the kids taking that home, I am going to steal that idea, sounds like a good sensory activity too! Oh and before Christmas we usually work on a gift to make their parents from the kids, and each year it gets simpler/more expensive. To those of you who go all out, good for you and I hope the parents appreciate it!

  10. #10
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    you're right. Thanks. I do enjoy having the parents here, too. If I stick to that, then based on schedules, my children are also here. But, even though they are no longer at daycare, they will always be a part of it...before and after school.

    Last year was just hard to control with my son who was actually misbehaving throughout because he was completely uninterested....but he's a year older and it will be made VERY clear that he either behaves or stays upstairs if he's no interested....includ ing Santa's visit.

    HOORAY! I full on party it is. I have all awesome families and like to show my appreciation as well. I know what you mean about it seeming like a big affair. I find all daycare "parties" are like that. It's really minimal in a way, but in the kids eyes, it's a huge deal!

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