Hi, I am opening in Jan and will be offering strictly B&A as I test the waters etc as a new daycare. I am also hoping to offer priority to kindergartners (the school is full day for them) as they would be closer in age to my eldestcdaughter and it will make things easier for programming etc.

I have been looking for the average B&A rate for Toronto. Entering my postal code in Daycare Bear etc has led me to believe the rate is $25 per day. In mentioning this to another provider they scrunched their face (made me think it was too low not too high) but I didn't have the guts to ask what she charges as she didn't offer. I live across the road from the school I will be offering care for (I can see the Kindergarten door from my front porch). The school charges $28 per day but they have a 3-4 yr wait list. Also, providers in my area mostly offer full time care and B&A is hard to find.

What does everyone think would be a good fee? The going rate in my area for full day home day care is $55-60. I have heard halving the day rate is normal. Could I charge the same as the school since they have such long wait list?