I have this adorable cherub of a boy in my daycare. His hair is full of luscious curls and he really has these little angel cherub curls. The problem is that the parents seem to be reluctant to cut his hair and cut away these beautiful hair but the kids really can barely see out of his eyes. The hair hangs almost to his nose and is always in his eyes. In the winter it was okay because I would put his winter hat on and sweep the hair under it so he could see when we went for walks or to play but now the hair is just blowing all over his face and I know he can't see.

I have had the hair dresser give me long bangs before and it is annoying to have them hang come in front of your line of vision so I know how he feels. I can also understand that these kids have Celine Dion syndrome (reluctance to cut their first child's hair regularly).

I have been racking my brain on what to say or how to say it to not offend them or sound complaining but I really do feel bad for the boy. On the other hand parents are so sensitive and anything I say could be offensive. If he at least had bangs above his eyes and left the rest of his hair long it would be soooooo much better. People even joke when I go for walks with him and say 'can he see?' ahhhhh