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  1. #1
    Euphoric ! bright sparks's Avatar
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    Looking for feedback and comments RE My winter clothing checklist...

    Seems that as the colder weather is moving in that we as dcp's are once again faced with parent's not dressing their kiddies appropriatly making any kind of outdoor play difficult if not impossible.

    I have written a letter home with my requirements in the form of a checklist so parents can check it off and hopefully this will help them to not miss anything. I was hoping to get peoples feedback on it and let me know if these are all acceptable requests and if you think I should add anything or change anything. Thanks in advance and I look forward to reading peoples responses

    Brrrr its cold outside…

    • Winter Jacket – As the temperature drops and wind chill becomes a daily occurrence, please be sure to keep the spring/fall jacket in the closet and bundle your little one up in a winter coat. Outdoor play will be reduced to shorter periods but I still want to get some “fresh” air with the kids when it’s safe to do so.
    • Winter hat that covers ears – For little ones, please make sure it has a Velcro fastening that works or can be tied under the chin to keep secure and prevent from falling off.
    • Balaclava (optional) – This isn’t a must but is such a terrific addition to outdoor winter attire for the children. Covers everything and doesn’t fall off.
    • Snow pants – Even if it isn’t snowing I like to put these on the kids to keep them toasty warm. Awkward to walk in and bulky?? Yes but there’s no time like the present to learn. You don’t have to put them on the kids to travel to daycare but please make sure they come every day and I’ll hang them in the closet for outdoor playtime.
    • Scarves (optional) – Again, this isn’t a must depending on how well your child is already dressed, but if you would like to then send one along.
    • Gloves/Mittens – The trickiest item in the winter wardrobe I find. There’s lots out there on the market but less than a handful (no pun intended) that are functional. Mittens fall off, gloves are hard to put on tiny fingers, kids hate to keep them on, some are waterproof, some aren’t. The list is endless. Personally I find mittens are better than gloves at this young age, but if your older preschooler is comfortable in gloves then feel free. My only MUST is that mittens must be waterproof. If they aren’t I can guarantee that in less than 5 minutes of outdoor play, there will be tears and/or complaints about wet and cold hands which means everyone has to be dragged indoors. If you insist on sending non-waterproof mittens or gloves please make sure you leave me with at least 3 additional pairs so I can change them frequently and stretch our outdoor playtime as long as possible. The key feature here, regardless of your choice is functional. They must stay on and they must keep hands dry and warm. Please sew yarn on or provide clips to keep them attached to the coat at the wrists.
    • Footwear – Please make sure each day you check the forecast before coming to daycare to make an appropriate choice of footwear for the day. Waterproof footwear at all times is a safe choice, but just because it’s not to cold this morning and the ground is dry, doesn’t mean that is what the afternoon will turn out to be.

    When one child comes without appropriate clothing, it prevents all children from going outside. Please make sure you have met each requirement on this checklist for winter outdoor attire. I find Zellers and Wal-Mart are great places to get staples such as gloves, hats etc. for a low price. If it’s easier, please feel free to leave a “daycare set “with me if you are worried about not remembering every item each day. Rather this than the kids suffering cabin fever from not being able to play outside or go for a walk in the neighborhood in the stroller.

    Thanks for your co-operation and don’t forget, there’s no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothing 
    Last edited by bright sparks; 11-27-2012 at 03:24 PM. Reason: typo

  2. #2
    Euphoric ! Inspired by Reggio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bright sparks View Post
    When one child comes without appropriate clothing, it prevents all children from going outside. ....
    You are far to nice ... I do not do 'forgetting to supply what is needed' and that is clear in my policy

    Which reads 'the following items are required to be at daycare daily between September ~ May. As outdoor play is a vital part of the program failure to provide the required necessities on the above check list will result in you being turned away from program at drop off to go and retrieve any missing items required before your child can be admitted to program'.

    So basically they get ONE reminder at the beginning of a season change where I will provide a back up for their child so they are not out in the elements unprepared but after that if what I need is not here they get sent HOME to go get it and as a result my clients do not forget to provide things ... I will not have the rest of the group suffer because parents get complacent about ensuring their children's needs are met daily!
    Children construct their own intelligence. The adult must provide activities and context, but most of all must be able to listen. Children need proof that adults believe in them. Their three great desires are to be listened to, to understand, and to demonstrate that they are exactly what we expect."
    Loris Malaguzzi

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  4. #3
    Starting to feel at home...
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    Quote Originally Posted by bright sparks View Post
    When one child comes without appropriate clothing, it prevents all children from going outside. Please make sure you have met each requirement on this checklist for winter outdoor attire. I find Zellers and Wal-Mart are great places to get staples such as gloves, hats etc. for a low price. If it’s easier, please feel free to leave a “daycare set “with me if you are worried about not remembering every item each day. Rather this than the kids suffering cabin fever from not being able to play outside or go for a walk in the neighborhood in the stroller.
    I would put this at the beginning since some parents don't bother to read newsletters and such. This way, they understand that if they don't do it, all the other kids miss out.

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  6. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by bright sparks View Post
    Footwear – Please make sure each day you check the forecast before coming to daycare to make an appropriate choice of footwear for the day. Waterproof footwear at all times is a safe choice, but just because it’s not to cold this morning and the ground is dry, doesn’t mean that is what the afternoon will turn out to be.
    I wouldn't give them the choice....they must be wearing daily or keep here a pair of snow boots and indoor runners and/or slippers. I bring the runners or slippers with us to playgroups but giving them the choice or the responsibility to check the weather isn't going to work IMO.

    My guy comes daily in his winter boots and in his back pack are runners & slippers. Its then MY choice to have him wear whatever for the day.
    Satisfaction Guaranteed or Double Your Kids Back!!

  7. #5
    Expansive... Other Mummy's Avatar
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    Bright Sparks your letter is great. May I borrow some tidbits out of it to send out to my DC Parents?

    It's not our job to remind parents, but unfortunately it is the children that suffer. I feel badly for "little Johnny" who's trembling and fingers all red and wet and cold cause mum and dad are too lazy, rushed, whatever to bring proper gear in the morning. Not to mention it makes our job so much easier when you don't have 2 or 3 little ones crying to go back inside cause they are cold.

  8. #6
    Euphoric ! Inspired by Reggio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Other Mummy View Post
    ... Not to mention it makes our job so much easier when you don't have 2 or 3 little ones crying to go back inside cause they are cold.
    Agreed ~ I expect clients to provide daily what they need for their children however I admit that I do keep 'extras' here in the house of most things so that if what they do send does not meet MY level of expectation I can provide a back up so that I do not have to suffer for their choice because their child is unhappy ... I have even put a pair of big ole wool socks of my spouses over top of boots that IMO were not warm enough for baby outsid eand taped a BAG over them to make them water proof in the snow so I did not have to listen to the child whining they were cold and they were able to enjoy outside albeit it making a fashion statement but they were warm and dry
    Children construct their own intelligence. The adult must provide activities and context, but most of all must be able to listen. Children need proof that adults believe in them. Their three great desires are to be listened to, to understand, and to demonstrate that they are exactly what we expect."
    Loris Malaguzzi

  9. #7
    Euphoric !
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    Looks good Bright Sparks....let's hope your parents follow it better than some of mine! I now have most of the correct items..it's the quality that astounds me...but I don't feel I can say anything about that. I wish the parents could spend an hour outside in their children's coats and then tell me if it's nice and warm...oh and I'd make them just sit or stand still like the one year olds do Guaranteed they'll be running for their nice wool or down coats that they have for themselves!

  10. #8
    Your outfit ideas sounds good..

    Just because it’s cold out doesn’t mean your clothes need to be boring and unflattering. In fact, we firmly believe you have more wardrobe options during the cooler months. These outfit ideas will have you looking cute and cozy all season long.

    Winter Wear

  11. #9
    Euphoric !
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    I sent out my winter weather checklist last week. We had a quick change in temperature in the last 2 days that required mittens and hats with fall jackets. Sigh....I just wonder what parents think. I spent most of my time yesterday during our outside time putting mittens back on, fixing hats, putting boots back on my infant. I think parents just find the cheapest thing in the store and buy it! I just wonder what part of "hats that cover their ears" don't they understand!! I hate to see what winter brings. I did specify mittens that are waterproof this year so we'll see when the first snowfall comes.

  12. #10
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    I just bought a bin of back up mitts and hats from Dollerama! Best time to get it!

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