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  1. #1
    Outgoing DisneyPrincess's Avatar
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    Potty training ready or not ready, that is the question ?!?

    I have a 2.5 years old little girl who is the sweetest. Her mom as been trying so hard to potty train her since she is 2 years old. Now she apparently stays dry at home AND ask for potty but here.... nothing. She has moments here and there where she ask for potty during the course of the week, but most of the time its in the pull-up. She can actually go on the potty, bring the pull-up down, and sit on the potty by herself and she has no problem going in the toilet and so far in the past 2 weeks there as been poops in toilet only.. but just small tiny poops. She is so happy when she goes in the potty too !! I have no course in child psychology... I'm wondering why is she not bothered by doing it in her pull-up at all ??!

    I tried stickers but she just won't mind not getting them when she's wet. Her mom and I tried to make her unconfortable in leaving her in wet pull-up (even tried leaving her in wet undies) but... no worries from her : SHE DOES NOT MIND AT ALL I asked her today if we should take off the wet pull-up and she said NO

    She's the type of child where you say : If you dont eat your vegetables, you will go to bed... and she'll just say : OK ! Its very hard to play the ''no reward'' game with her, it just won't work. That it is for potty, for napping, for eating, nothing will work she just sits there calm and collected lol !

    At this point I just think she is so not ready... well to be without pull-ups at daycare anyhow, since she seems to be doing so well at home... wait maybe its me ?!?! Potty training is not my forte at all, even when my girls were that age... seems like it just happened

    I was wondering if you had that type of scenario and what do you think ?? what would you do ??

  2. #2
    Euphoric !
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    My daughter is the same age and she is my third child..the boys were pretty easy, but she is taking forever! She understands perfectly what she should do and does most of her pees in the toilet, but poops are always in the pull-up. It doesn't matter if I put her in underwear...then she just does it in them and tells me. She knows she shouldn't, but just can't seem to get over the hurdle. I don't want to make it a power struggle, so I don't make a big deal...just remind her of hwo big girls go on the toilet. I may try putting her pantless for a few days, but only during non-daycare hours and not in the daycare area. I would NEVER let a dck go bare bottomed in my home and would never let my own kids do that in the daycare area either! It isn't sanitary and also as a parent, I would be pretty troubled if I saw naked children running around at my child's daycare. It is just soooo different from at home with our own families only.

  3. #3
    Starting to feel at home...
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    IMO there are two things ONLY that delay potty training: starting too early and starting too late. If you start in that window of readiness between the two scenarios your're gold and potty training happens quickly. I think the first mistake was starting training at two years old, I think that might have been a bit early. The average age kids are successfully potty training these days is 2.5-3 years. Sure there are kids who will train before or after that age bracket but generally that's the average. From what you posted it sounds like potty training has been really stressful for everyone involved- you, mom, and child. I think its time to take a break. Give it a couple weeks and revisit then revisit potty training. After a rest perhaps the child will start showing some interest or you can ask the child if they'd like to go on the potty. Potty training works best in a relaxed environment so try not to let the issue stress you out.

    I personally would never do the bare bottom thing in day home (I don't do even do it with my own kids). First off as a parent if I sent my child to a provider who allowed kids to have regular accidents on the floor that my kid could then walk or crawl through or get sick from a contagious illness carried in poop I would be livid. Needless to say my kids would be pulled from that day home. Secondly, I know accidents happen but I am not cool with children peeing and pooping at regular intervals on my furniture or floor/carpet. I really don't want to start a pull-ups debate. I know there are lots of parents and providers alike who are vigorously against them. I am very pro pull-up. I have used them in past potty training situations and I will continue to use them. When a child is truly ready for potty training pull ups will NOT hinder or delay training rather they are insurance in the event an accident does occur.
    Last edited by Bugaboo; 12-12-2012 at 02:34 PM. Reason: Really bad spelling

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  5. #4
    Outgoing DisneyPrincess's Avatar
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    Thanks for your great advice

    Obviously I cannot do the step by step training, I have smaller kids then she is so thats a big no no , I doubt that the parents would be comfortable with their child being without bottoms infront of the others anyways and also the fact that I just dont want to deal with peepee that much. Its the parents job to do that if they really want to. Oh and plus my floor is really cold, it is a basement and it is the winter. Pull-ups are good for children who are ready but have sometimes accidents, its easier for the child to push down and PULL UP haha the undies until fully sure they are clean.

    Perhaps she has been push in it to much, if at home they have no problems, then I will let things go until after the Holidays, maybe a week and a half at home, she'll be more ready at daycare... hey who knows ?!?

  6. #5
    Starting to feel at home...
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    When we do diaper changes we also have potty time all the older kids go on the potty regardless of if they have to go or not. Most of the time they end up going. I also ask them randomly through out the day. I make it a huge ordeal if they go- even if they've been trained for a while so the other kids get excited. I also ask the parents for any non-verbal cues they might have picked up on that shows them their kid needs to go. If the effort is being given 100% on the parents side then I will always do my best with them here as well. Does her mom work in a setting where she can receive calls? With my one dcc I would let them call their mom if they went on the potty and she loved it.
    Good Luck!!

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