Just wondering how many of you make a daily trip outside in the winter months. I try to get outside at least 3 out of the 5 days with the little ones. However, with 5 children + my own two little ones...getting them all ready with snow pants, sweaters, scarves, hats, mittens, gloves, boots, etc...it takes me approx 20 - 30 min to get them all ready. By the time the last one is ready, the first and second one are complaining about being hot. Someone invaribly is missing some gear...proper boots, or mittens, etc. Then we get outside and most of the time they just stand around in the snow...walking around...will use the little snow shovels I got but then want to go inside after 15 min or so.

Why do I even bother?? They get more excercise inside when we turn on the music and we dance and shake around. Every other season we are out for hours at a time. Physcial outdoor time is very important...but I'm thinking of scrapping it to maybe 1 day a week, if the weather is cooperative and not too cold.

Parents don't seem to care...in fact...get the impression that most would rather their little ones don't go outside at all.

So my question is what do you all do? Do you do outdoor time every single day? I have to say I am sweating buckets by the time all 7 kids are ready and out the door only to have them all complain a few minutes later to get inside