I had a new family start at the beginning of the month. I have forgotten what it is like to have a picky eater in the house.

I serve breakfast, lunch, and 2 snacks and I am lucky if dhg eats more than a bite of food. She has asked for food between meals/snack, but I remind her that we eat at set times. I can't help, but feel bad for her as I know she is hungry. I also know that giving her what she wants, won't help her either.

I serve a variety of healthy foods, and find she will only try something that has been pre-packaged (granola bars, some crackers, etc.) When I served grilled cheese sandwiches (whole wheat bread and real cheese) she only ate a quarter of it. I asked her mom about eating habits at home, but it seems like this maybe the first time there has been any expectations with food and eating.

I have noticed that the other kids are now, eating less and putting up a fuss about what is being served.

Oh, how I wish I had a magic wand that made every child a good eater.