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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Other Mummy View Post
    Yup! I love Nannyde, her blogs are very insightful and help give providers the confidence to grow a backbone in a lot of cases
    Aww thanks mommy
    Home of child care expertise. Child care consultant for home providers, child care centers, and parents. http://daycarewhisperer.com/
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  2. #12
    Starting to feel at home...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Other Mummy View Post
    Yup! I love Nannyde, her blogs are very insightful and help give providers the confidence to grow a backbone in a lot of cases
    I have learned alot from her. She has a very no non-sense way of approaching things and she puts things into perspective in an easy to understand manner.

    She has recently started putting videos on youtube that demonstrate some of her methods.

  3. #13
    Euphoric !
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    Hahaha... changing of the guard. Funny.

    Who knows why this happens. Sensory overload at the end of the day, tiredness, a little mad at Mama for being gone all day. Or sometimes they just work the fact that Mama is tired and will give in/not fight the behaviour.
    Either way, as long as they are here, they are under MY house rules. We do not hit, throw things, scream, or otherwise behave like a hooligan.
    If possible have the child ready to go for mom/dad. But for sure take control. Seriously, she lets her kid KEY your walls??? Nuh-uh, lady!!!!

  4. #14
    Euphoric ! mimi's Avatar
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    My husband is home during pick up time. He sits out of sight and listens to the misbehaviour. The next time he sees dck, he sits them down and tells them he did not like their behaviour and it is not to happen again. The next time he is present at the offenders pick up and all it takes is a look from hubby and they stop. He is like Switzerland - neutral (as in changing of the guard) Heck, I stop my misbehaviour when I see that look LOL (most of the time)

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