Hi everyone!

I look after a child who will be 5 in a month or so. This child has developed some odd behaviors - rocking while covering ears when loud noises(trains, dogs barking, doors slamming) occur. This child will crouch and rock very slightly while covering ears until I ask them to get up. This child has alos devloped some odd hand gestures and facial gestures that they do when upset or even while playing. Also, this child cannot do puzzles. At all. Even simple 2 or 3 piece ones that a 2 or 3 year old can put together. This kid will also get super upset about the smalest thing and pout on the couch for HOURS. Literally hours. I really like this child, but am wondering if a child can become Autistic? These behaviors have always been there, but are getting more noticable as time goes on. The child is also very lazy about trying to do things, but I;m not sure what to think. I mentioned this to mom who didn't seems concerned. Otherwise, the kid is normal enough - shares(mostly), recognizes letters/numbers, enjoys friends and playing. Thoughts?