Hi ladies,

I currently watch a 17 month old who's older brother I had to ask to leave my daycare last February due to aggression, being extremely all over the place and disruptive. He used to get into everything during quite time; he would hit my daughter and not let her sleep plus scream at the top of his lungs and wake the other kids up. The last straw was when he put his finger up his bum and put poop on my bathroom wall. His parents put him in Montessori school and say he is doing much better. They were still amazing to see that I did all I could and allowed me to still care for his younger brother.

Now that it's the summer his mother asked me if I could watch him in Aug, as she can't find care for him. I was floored I hate saying no. I told her I'm not sure but we could try. He started acting up and refused to leave and she couldn't get him to listen he then screamed at the top of his lungs. (My family was still in bed boy was my husband angry) She then said forget I said anything. Yet for the past week and 1/2 every time she picks up her son she brings him into my house and gets him to walk in and look for my daughter, he brought her stickers yesterday? I feel like she is trying to transition him. Ladies what the heck do I do?

I don't want this mother to loose out on a month of work and i don't want to loose watching her youngest but she is really putting me up against a wall!