I had a family come by Tuesday evening with a wonderful little 18 month old bumpkin. Mom seemed great but didn't ask much. In fact, when I asked her if she had any questions for me she said some thing along the lines of 'not really, you've been doing this a while right?' . . . . yes . . . yes I have. So she told me they wanted the spot and I liked them more than enough to accept them into care. so I old her what the deposit would be and she said she would drop if off.
Yesterday I send her an email with the registration and asked for the information I needed in order to make up the contract.
I haven't hard from her regarding the deposit or even a note saying she got the email. I know its only been two days but I am pretty adamant about not holding spots without the deposit. The parents I get are usually excited to move forward and want to get in here and sign contracts to secure the spot. This lady seems a lot more relaxed about it and, honestly, I'm nervous.
I want to be done with interviewing and contracts and bullshit by the weekend so I can FINALLY relax. It's been just short of three weeks since I found out my one little guy was leaving and I've been doing 3 - 4 interviews a week (most with families I would NEVER take - hate those ones) and I'm tired. I just want this DONE!
How long would you wait before contacting the mother about the deposit, registration, contract info, and the like?