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  1. #1
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    What do you love about your job?

    I just wanted to post and say that I feel very lucky to be in a place in my life where I can be home with my own child, decide who his daycare friends are, and ensure that these beautiful children in my care are getting the very best start in life.
    There was a time in my life where I was going to the food bank regularly, living in sketchy apartments and hustling my butt working several jobs while my oldest (an only, at the time) child was in daycare and although I don't regret any of the decisions I made, that experience has made me realize what a gift I have been given with my second child. It also took a lot of hard work to get my daycare running, and some smart decisions and the support of my family and friends of course.
    This can be a very tough job but this morning when I started my day with hugs and big smiles from my daycare kids I was reminded that I am lucky to be here.
    What's your story? Have you always wanted to work with kids? Did you start your daycare ti be home with your own children? What do you love about your job?

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to gravy_train For This Useful Post:

  3. #2
    apples and bananas
    I love that my commute starts in my bedroom and ends at my coffee pot. LOL I feel accomplished when I've transitioned a tough child. I feel empowered when I enforce a policy to a client who's trying to push the line a little. I love down days where I have a few less kids, or those very rare and special times of the year when everyone seems to take vacay at the same time!

    I LOVE that I can see my kids on and off the bus in the morning and if they wake up sick... there's no question or panic about who will do my job? Who can I call last minute? How do I get the last report done? I just simply say ... Ok, stay home today.

    I love putting out that list of closed dates every 6 months and I love looking at my schedule in the weeks ahead and seeing what challenges I'm up against.

    Thanks for starting this thread. It's important to focus on the good sstuff.

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  5. #3
    Join Date
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    I agree - the commute is wonderful and I love that I wear Yoga pants to work :-) the only downside is that when I try to put 'normal' pants on I find them super uncomfortable!! I also love that I can get my laundry done while I'm working!

  6. #4
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    Oh yeah - forgot to mention that my daycare kid LOVE when I sing - makes me feel like the rock star I was meant to be ;-)!

  7. #5
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    Oh and another thing - when a child is not happy about something it is pretty obvious - they act out, they cry, they tantrum, etc.. I will take this over gossiping, backstabbing co-workers and dealing with office politics any day!

  8. #6
    Starting to feel at home...
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    I love that the worst traffic I encounter is when the cat gets underfoot on my way downstairs. Gone are the days of being stuck in the Toronto "parking lots" that are disguised as highways.
    I love that I don't need to stress about bad hair days. The children don't care if I forgot the hairspray- They see past all that stuff.
    I love that I can see the difference that I can make for the kids. (It's even better when the parents show their appreciation by showing up on my doorstep with a coffee for me in hand )
    I love that the little people I encounter on a day to day basis don't hold grudges and are so quick to forgive. Children aren't afraid to give you a hug.
    I love being home for my own kids. Although they aren't little anymore they still need me. My oldest just started high school and I love that I can be around to hear about her day and to keep the lines of communication open!
    Thank you for this thread- it made my day!

  9. #7
    Starting to feel at home...
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    I love the precious things that the children do. Just as I finished my post I had a little 4 year old dance past me singing "I knew you were trouble when you walked in..." Lol. That ranks up there as when the other day on the way back from the park we past a sunflower and a dcg said quite seriously "don't go near THAT dandelion!" This is why I do what I do. Tough job for sure but so rewarding! I too feel very lucky to be able to do what I do. Perhaps one day I'll go back to working in a classroom but for now...

  10. #8
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    Thanks for posting this gravy_train! I have always loved children. I was 12 when my youngest sister was born and my parents divorced shortly after. I was always her 'other' parent and realized that caring for others (esp. children) was what I was meant to do with my life. They say things happen for a reason...I believe that. I did my B.A. and B.Ed. and started to teach. I didn't have a full time position when I had my son. It didn't seem to make sense to have to pay full time daycare and not know how many days I would actually get supply teaching. Bills had to be paid so I took a job as a customer service rep. I had my son in a home based daycare and thought things were going well. Long story short, he wasn't being treated well. The day I realized this, he was out and I quit my job. I shortly there after, opened my own home daycare!!! I also now have a 1 year old daughter and I love every second of being home with them. I love having other children come to my home to love and to have love me and my children. I love when I they have learned something new that I know I have been working on with them I love that my work day consists of play, music, good food and parks! I love when parents come at the end of the day and the children run the other way because they're having too much fun to leave. I love that I have a partner who has supported me in this decision, even though it has been financially tough at times due to taking time off to have babies and moving. I wake up everyday feeling blessed.

  11. #9
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    I've always worked with children and my have my Ed. Degree, so I've always had "working with kids" up there on my list of goals, though my degree is 100% geared to high school kids. When I had my first I was straight out of university and had no time to work before my "mat leave" and by the time I was ready to come back, there had been extreme cuts, coupled ith the fact that I couldn't sub without reliable childcare, and couldn't get reliable childcare without committing to full time. I started working with children with autism again, and though I did love the job, I hated the workplace. The politics, commute, stress and leaving my kid with someone else wasn't worth it! I do want to teach one day,but for now I'm happy to be home with my kids and have an enriching environment at home for them and their buddies (though I do get a bit jealous when my super fashionable friend drops her daughter off in the morning looking fabulous and I'm in sweats and a pony tail ).

    I love being able to feed my kids what I want to, and that I have the time to cook healthy meals and try new healthy versions of things we love! I remember when I had my first ds in childcare and worked outside of the home, I barely had time or energy to cook dinner at home, let alone healthy breakfast, and snacks!

    I also hugely agree with the above statements: coffee pot, yoga pants, yes, yes, yes!

  12. #10
    Euphoric ! mimi's Avatar
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    Yesterday I was sitting on the grass in my backyard watching my 5 toddler girls play and enjoying the sunshine. Do I miss my office life? Maybe the adult socialization, but not the politics, job reviews and nasty bosses. When the girls came running to me one at a time until we were immersed in a group hug, I thought I have never had a job that gave me such moments of joy.

    Yes, there are times I want to tear my hair out, but as I become more experienced and confident, those moments are becoming fewer as I do find my tolerance level is higher than when I first started. The experience I have garnered tells me that the "what have I got myself into?" moments will pass.

    My experience working with children was limited to volunteering at my daughters preschool which I really enjoyed. Then a couple of years later a friend suggested I opened my own home daycare after a recent layoff. It was like a light bulb came on and I started researching and preparing that same day. I cringe at how awkward I must have seemed to my new clients, but I guess they saw the passion I had for their kids and profession.

    It has been over 7 years now and I don't see myself quitting for a long time - unless Brad Pitt calls needing a "personal assistant"

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