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  1. #21
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    Completely disagree! You might be good but no way your great not if you don't like it!

  2. #22
    Starting to feel at home...
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    I have found children to be like adults, some you like, some you love and some you just don't like. I would have thought this was normal? Pretty sure noone likes everyone they have ever met

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to Calgarymom For This Useful Post:

  4. #23
    Euphoric !
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    You're free to disagree But I know that I did a great job in healthcare even if I didn't like it. IMO, that's the difference between being professional and not.

  5. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skysue View Post
    I actually disagree with you on the fact that to be a daycare provider you don't need a skill set? It takes huge transferable skills to do this job well. The same goes for teachers a piece of paper is never going to make you a great one, it's dedication and a love for the student. There is a HUGE difference between quality daycare vs cheap daycare.

    Yes anyone can open up a daycare but to be successful at it is a whole other discussion. Look at the movie Mr. Hollands Opus, he started out just doing it for the paycheck but he realized that in order to get through to his students he needed to give a dam.

    I have been in and out of the "customer service" industry for 25 years and let me tell you if you don't like it you will burn out fast and become substandard. Sorry don't want that caring or teaching my kids!
    The average home child care makes it two years. The average center worker slot is filled four times each year. The turnover rate in child care is extremely high. Each year millions of kids are cared for by people who won't even remember their name a year from now and not work where they work now.
    Home of child care expertise. Child care consultant for home providers, child care centers, and parents. http://daycarewhisperer.com/
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  6. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skysue View Post
    Completely disagree! You might be good but no way your great not if you don't like it!
    No way. I've had about seven total assistants over the years ans they were all EXCELLENT and only one choose child care as a profession. The one who loves kids wasn't any better at the craft than the ones before her that didn't love kids.

    One became a nursing assistant and has about five years under her belt. She's a phenomenal worker but she doesn't like her job. Very common.

    Meh. It feeds her kid and puts a roof over her head and pays the power bill. She will always have a job in care no matter what branch she chooses because she works HARD and FAST and does a great job. Liking it or loving it is not necessary.
    Home of child care expertise. Child care consultant for home providers, child care centers, and parents. http://daycarewhisperer.com/
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  7. #26
    Euphoric !
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    Quote Originally Posted by Calgarymom View Post
    I have found children to be like adults, some you like, some you love and some you just don't like. I would have thought this was normal? Pretty sure noone likes everyone they have ever met
    This really surprised me when I started my daycare. I always thought all children were inherently loveable. Um, no they are not. And I agree with exactly what you said, we don't like everybody, man/woman/adult/child, personalities clash.
    Frederick Douglass
    It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.

  8. #27
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    I agree ladies completely but not liking an individual has nothing to do with not liking your job. If all the kids were like the one that pushes your buttons there is no way you would force yourself to do it. Most definitely you would choose or strive for something else. In nursing there are so many rewarding avenues to choose to work in. Your not always doing what you don't like don't give me that. I would think the rewards would outweigh the negatives. But then again its not for everyone.

    I have worked in jobs I down right hated and it's emotionally unhealthy.

    Daycarewhisper why do you always assume your right on all subjects? I disagree and I'm allowed! Lol
    Last edited by Skysue; 10-02-2013 at 06:33 PM.

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  10. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by daycarewhisperer View Post
    No way. I've had about seven total assistants over the years ans they were all EXCELLENT and only one choose child care as a profession. The one who loves kids wasn't any better at the craft than the ones before her that didn't love kids.

    One became a nursing assistant and has about five years under her belt. She's a phenomenal worker but she doesn't like her job. Very common.

    Meh. It feeds her kid and puts a roof over her head and pays the power bill. She will always have a job in care no matter what branch she chooses because she works HARD and FAST and does a great job. Liking it or loving it is not necessary.
    Have you ever worked with people that genuinely love what they do? Trust me there passion and love for there work is resonating and so fun to be around. There's lots of ways to clean a home but people that are passionate about cleaning there homes always have the most warm and inviting spaces.

  11. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by daycarewhisperer View Post
    The average home child care makes it two years. The average center worker slot is filled four times each year. The turnover rate in child care is extremely high. Each year millions of kids are cared for by people who won't even remember their name a year from now and not work where they work now.
    My point exactly they burn out and run because they hate there job. How on earth can they give 150% if they hate what they do?

  12. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5 Little Monkeys View Post
    You're free to disagree But I know that I did a great job in healthcare even if I didn't like it. IMO, that's the difference between being professional and not.
    Come on 5 little Monkeys you hated everything you did? What was your position?

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