I lost daycare kids back in December and have never been back up to capacity. I currently only have 1x M-Th, 1x M,T,Th and 1x T,Th. My income is way down and at times is very disheartening. I have stuck with it as fortunately my husband has been able to pick up the slack. I have someone starting in February M-Th and had a call for a spot last week M-Th. They wanted M-F when I only work M-Th and 7-6 when I only work 7:30-5. She said her employer was flexible and said she would like to meet. I stood my ground asking her to follow up with her boss prior to meeting as although I love meeting people I didn't want to go through with the interview if ultimately the spot wasn't going to work for her needs. She was fine with that and we said goodbye. I didn't think I'd here back but she just called and said that it was so important for her to have a program she liked and a meal plan that was super healthy that she made the changes to her work schedule to fit in with my days and hours. I meet with the family tomorrow and it's to start in 3 weeks...I am crossing all fingers and toes that we are a good fit. And, I'm proud of myself and my backbone for not wavering on my needs as a business owner in times when I have felt desperate to make money and tempted to give in to parents demands which I know I would end up regretting.