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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Durham Region, Ontario
    70 Times in 58 Posts

    The words "No" and "Mine" have invaded my daycare and its driving me CRAZY!!! Help!!!

    So since this past Friday it seems that the two worst words ever have invaded my daycare and its making me want to pull out my hair.
    All of my kiddos, including my own son are 15-23 months of age.
    Every time I hear it from any of them its like nails on a chalkboard to me LOL. Perhaps its my pregnancy hormones as well.
    I am trying to get on whoever says the word when I hear it and correct them, get down on their level and use eye contact and say "Stop! Say "please" but it is NOT working.
    Any advice or do I just ride this phase out and hope it passes VERY soon.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
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    I can relate! When the kids all returned from Christmas break, we've been hearing no and mine a lot. I've been trying the same things. I remind them it's not "mine", it's my turn right now. If it's really bad and words aren't making a difference, I give them a reminder that if we fight over something, it gets taken away for the rest of the day. That usually works.

  3. #3
    Euphoric ! mimi's Avatar
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    I have always let the kids know that the toys are "MINE" and that I share them with all the kids. That gets even the youngest ones thinking and does curb the "mine, mine" mantra. As for the "no" I just smile and say "yes" to them nodding my head. I make it look like a happy word to say. Does it work? LOL

  4. #4
    Euphoric !
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    I always tell the kids that the toys are "daycare" and all my friends have to take turns and share. If they don't want to do that, the toy will go away. Sometimes, multiple toys go away at a time. Sometimes they are gone for the remainder of the day and sometimes they go away until after naptime.

    I don't really have advice for the "no" situation though. I actually encourage the kids to say no lol. If a child is hitting or bugging a child, I tell them to say "No xxx, I don't like that." I don't feel that "no" is always a bad word. I feel that saying "no" encourages them to stand up for themselves which is a skill they will take with them for the rest of their life.

    However, it does bite me in the ass!! I have a child(2 yrs) who goes through "no" spurts to her mom and I. I told her one morning, "xxx, I don't like when you say no to me when I ask you to do something". Later that day I asked another child(4 yrs) if she wanted to read a book and she said no. The 2 yr old went up to the 4 yr old and said "xxx, don't say no to (me)" I laughed....how do you teach when it is okay to say no to a 2 year old?!?!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Durham Region, Ontario
    70 Times in 58 Posts

    Thank you!

    I have tried the "No MY xxx" whatever it is they are fighting over.
    I like the saying "Yes" idea I will try that!
    Eventually I end up taking the toy being fought over away but boy its been a frustrating past bit. I do think that its from being off over the Christmas holidays for the 2 weeks, the timing just makes sense.

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