I'm exhausted. I am so drained and my ears are ringing. The worse part? This is a child that has been in my car sin September and guess what? This started just three weeks ago!! What?!?

I understand transition times and whatnot but she's been great ... Up until now. What changed? I have no idea! I'm at a loss and I've tried many things: pick her up, let her cry, wear her in an ergo, give her food, switch from one nap to two naps, switch from two naps to one nap, eat lunch at a different time, have a nap at a different time, stick to the routine and see if it improves. Nothing, but I mean NOTHING helps! My other kids are on their worse behaviour now and I can tell everybody is just done listening to this screeching all day long!

What do I do? How long do I wait until I find a replacement? I feel bad because this is the first family I signed but I also know is is business. I'm trying to keep my cool but I feel like I'm bursting at the seams here.