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Thread: Filling a spot

  1. #1
    Euphoric !
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    Filling a spot

    So I have a spot now for May. I have started advertising and I have 3 solid families interested, one I have done a phone interview with and are coming to meet with me in person, the other two we are chatting this weekend.

    The families all sound great, the problem is...I don't know if I really want another baby. The child that is leaving is 4 and pretty independent.

    My group currently is DD-4, DCG-3, DCG pt-3, DCG 2, DD 2, DCG 15 mos

    I am just wondering about how mobile we can be with another baby (we walk a ton in the summer). I have a triple stroller so my DD who just turned 2 would get booted but I am not sure she can walk as far as she would need to to go to the park. We have a park across the street but we like to mix it up and some of the parks are a 20 mins walk one way.

    So, do I hold out for an older child (my husband thinks I should as I just advertised and already have 3 inquiries) or suck it up and do it? Also, I have all girls right now. Do you think I should add a boy or another girl? The families are eager to get their arrangements squared away so although the date is not super close, I would need to make a decision sooner then later.


  2. #2
    Euphoric !
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    I think of it this way - they are only small for a short amount of time. Time flies and in no time they are walking/running and growing up. I would rather secure a spot than wait but that is just me.

  3. #3
    Starting to feel at home...
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    IMO if these are the current ages of the children then I would take another "girl". They grow so fast and by Aug Sept Oct your daughter should easily manage a 20 min. walk. I have little 2yr. old girls who have walked 40 min. with me, just for pleasure. Not at a fast pace. Just right for them. I have one boy and the rest girls right now and would rather another girl than boy. One boy makes it lonely for them as they get older and know the difference. On the other hand the dynamics of the group can change and you could end up with 2 or three boys. It all depends on the demand for daycare in your area. Is it pretty consistent or are there highs and lows?

  4. #4
    Euphoric !
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    I would wait. I have stairs down to the daycare and then stairs outside as well. That is a lot of extra work when you have a young one that may not be walking/climbing yet plus supervising all the other ones on the stairs.

    If an older child is what you would like and the spot is still some time away, I would hold out on confirming the new family. I have taken a group of young kids in the past because I didn't have the luxury of holding out. Now that my finances don't dictate me so much, I think waiting to find a child that fits better into my criteria is best.

    boys and girls.....I started off with all boys. They were so quite, gentle, nice, calm....than I got a group of all girls and one boy and OMG!!! I miss my quite, drama free boys lol. The boy actually fits really well with the girls and dresses up and plays dolls. I now have 2 boys and 2 girls though. The original boy still plays with the girls more than the other boy lol. I personally don't even think of the gender when picking....for me, it comes down to age of child, personality of child and what the parents are like.
    Last edited by 5 Little Monkeys; 03-07-2014 at 02:38 PM.

  5. #5
    Starting to feel at home...
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    I like to take the youngers ones for the fact that they are more likely to be in may care longer and I am not stuck with another open spot. I started with all boys (including my own 2, and expecting our 3rd) It was a nice change to finally add a girl to our group (it took 6 months to do so) and now I have a couple. It changes the pace of the day, which is nice.

  6. #6
    Euphoric !
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    I don't usually consider the sex of the child either, however I am now in a unique situation with all girls. Plus the 4 yo boy's parents seemed to struggle with his being the only boy.

    I would like to just take one of these families so I don't have to think about it anymore but I don't know. I was just thinking I can add a buggy board to my triple stroller. Not sure how much fun the hills would be though with all that weight! My 2 yo DD would love to walk with the big kids and would probably get pretty far. I just need a plan in case we have a melt down (and I have no where to put the kid) or she can't make it home.

    We have pretty good systems for going up the stairs and outside and all except the 15 mos old are independent stair climbers (I just walk behind them carrying the baby so I can catch them if they fall) and will be even better once their snow pants are gone.

  7. #7
    Euphoric !
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    I know what you mean. When this boy signed up, it was all boys. When he started 2 or 3 months later, it was all girls. I think the parents were surprised but what can you do lol. He plays so well with them, it's really cute.

    I will have a spot to fill soon and am considering the age of child I want too. My youngest right now is 18 months so would like to not have any younger than that but as usual, infant care is the highest demand. Thankfully they all do the stairs quite well but I have back issues and don't really want to carry a child again.

  8. #8
    Euphoric !
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    You could always get a snugly and take it with you on your long treks and if one of the two year olds need to ride put the youngest in a snugly or pull a wagon but that with pushing a stroller would prob get pretty heavy

  9. #9
    Euphoric !
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    Other option is consider a wagon for the summer meaning the extra child could ride at least part of the way and would also give a place to dump the bag of sand toys or snacks you take to the park. Then by Sept your own child would be older and able to walk more and you could make more use of the stroller.

    The downside to getting an older child is that often mom is pregnant again and not saying, or thinking about it or the child got kicked out of their daycare for some reason and are a problem you don't want. A newbie that you mold from the beginning has so many benefits.

  10. #10
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    That's a tough one !

    This is the great time of year where a lot of people are looking all the way through to September. Most people who are looking - need care for 1 year olds. There aren't many inquiries that come my way for anyone older and I usually get suspicious why anyone older is leaving their current daycare situation. In the back of my mind I always wonder whether the parents or child have been terminated elsewhere.

    The other downside to accepting an older child is that they are often more set in their ways i.e nap schedules, food, behavioural. One of the only things I like about starting 1 year olds is that I can set them on our routine and mold them a bit to our routines. They don't have bad habits yet.

    I do think that the the stroller situation stinks You have to take good care of yourself and your back. I ended off for three months because I needed emergency back surgery from the strain I put on it from daycare.

    I have heard other daycare providers recommend pulling a small wagon behind you while you push the wagon. Personally I don't think that's a hot idea.

    What about getting a choo choo wagon for the summer time or else invest in a quad Runabout. I got the Runabout after my surgery and it has made my life so much better. I wish I had gotten a Runabout when I started and maybe my back wouldn't have had to suffer so much. It is expensive but our bodies need to be taken care of. We are not pack mules I wish I would have made the investment sooner for the sake of my health.

    The other thing to consider ( or I would) is whether you even want another DCK right now. Your own kids are pretty young and it looks like you would sometime have 7 kids (including your own). It can be exhausting to have that many little people to take care of. It may be a sanity saver to hope for a 3 or 4 year old.

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