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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Stop Bill 143-Ottawa-May 1st event

    May 1st is International Workers Day. There is a march planned in the evening, leaving McNabb park at 5:00 and arriving at City Hall at 7:00. I am "going on strike" that day so that I can set up activities for children and an information fair for the adults. If you know any caregivers that would like to donate a poster that highlights their home day care, opinions of Bill 143 and how the changes will affect them, please contact centretownfriends@gm ail.com.

    Please encourage as many caregivers to get out to join the march on Mayday or help supervise and network. We need to rally together to publicly denounce this plan or it will go through. Please send out this message.

  2. #2
    Starting to feel at home...
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    I had thought a march would be a great way to garner attention to our cause however the general consensus has been that there is no point marching on city hall as they have no say in a provincial issue. Am I wrong cause I think it's an awesome way to highlight our voices.

  3. #3
    Euphoric !
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    Mar 2011
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    I could forward stuff to put on a poster. What kind of things should be on it? Pics of the daycare, activities, etc?

  4. #4
    Euphoric ! bright sparks's Avatar
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    There would be one hell of a point marching on the city hall if you got the media there. One question though...why do it in the evening? Surely it would attract more attention when City Hall was actually open and during a period of high traffic!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    May 1st is "Mayday"

    The reason why I am planning this way is because there is a large labour march already planned and it ends at city hall. Also, we need an indoor space for safety reasons and in case the weather is poor.

    There are marches planned in at least 8 other cities too. This is a way to get the message out to the public. There will media at the event there but I hope to get some support so I can put out a press release. Since I am "going on strike", it is just a clever way to attract media because it's Mayday.

    This is a link to the official Mayday website. http://maydayottawa.ca/ It is mostly union representative involved in the planning committee so there is usually a large turn out because the march is for labour related issues.

    I have been on the planning committee for the Mayday march and have secured funding from another organization to plan events that relate to Bill 143.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Sorry for the delay in response, I have never used this forum before. The reason why I am planning at City Hall is to have a safe, indoor space. It is also located at the end of the Mayday march route. Bill 143 isn't municipal but I can't afford to plan a rally at Queen's Park in Toronto.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Yes, please. Send pictures to centretownfriends@gm ail.com

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