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  1. #1
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    Painful cracking dry skin on hands

    My hands are taking a beating from all the hand washing and dish washing I do.

    Can anyone recommend a good hand cream? I have been using Glysomed but it doesn't help anymore.

    I almost always use gloves when washing dishes.

    Anyone have any other tips for keeping nice hands?

  2. #2
    Euphoric !
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    I have eczema and my hands can be terribly dry this time of year. The most recommended moisturizer - Vaseline. It feels a bit odd at first, but it's the only thing I've found that keeps my hands supple while not causing irritation. Also, wear dish gloves for washing up. In fact, with eczema, I wear cotton gloves inside my dish gloves because hands sweat inside them, further irritating already sensitive skin. I've also started buying bars of glycerin soap (available at Bulk Barn) and it seems to be helping too.

    I know all too well about having sore hands. Hope this helps!

  3. #3
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    Mine are awful too. I have tried almost every cream out there, including prescription cream. they help for a while but then it is almost as though my skin becomes immune to them. I have been using Gold Bond medicated to help with the pain and itching.

  4. #4
    Euphoric !
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    Is your problem eczema Jodaycare? If so, try Elidel. It's prescription and insanely expensive, but NOT cortisone, so doesn't thin the skin. It's the only thing I've found that's effective. I found it while researching eczema as I was soooo frustrated with cortisone creams not working. I even ordered some cortisone that was 3x the legal amount here. Nada.

  5. #5
    Euphoric !
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    I have been really dry this year but my hands are one place that never seem to get dry, it's odd but I'm not complaining!

    Have you tried lathering up at night with cream and than putting mini mitts on? I do this with my feet and socks but I'm not sure if I could sleep with mitts on! It's worth a try maybe?

  6. #6
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    I hear you! I also deal with eczema and finding something that actually works is awful! Castille soap helps- it's only natural oils. The fewer ingredients the better. Something else that I've discovered that I LOVE is emu oil. Seriously! You have to massage it in really well but it helps! It's also an anti-inflamatory and it takes out the itch. It's described for extra dry skin and eczema. I get mine at the grocery store.

  7. #7
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    I have the same problem - not eczema but my hands crack ad bleed from wahing them so often. I talked to my pharmacist who suggested a Glycerine based soap and hand cream. I use Spectro Kids E-Care Moisturizing Body Wash for sensitive skin and follow up with Glycomed handcream and it helps a lot.

  8. #8
    Euphoric !
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    For eczema, when it gets bad....hands red, sore, swollen and secondary infections....I'll wrap freezer packs in dish towels and just hold on to them for 30 mins at a time a couple times/day. I've found that to really help with the discomfort. They just get so hot and sore. I hate my stupid eczema.....put a very big damper on my recent vacation. I hadn't had it in years so I forgot how much it affects everything I do.

  9. #9
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    We use Eucerin original Creme, the kind that comes in a small tub. It it is really heavy duty and is a water-in-oil formula, It also has Vaseline and mineral oil in it. It was the only thing that cures my daughters' excema when even prescription medication didn't work. I also use it on my feet and for the first time ever my heels haven't gotten cracks in them this winter.

  10. #10
    Starting to feel at home...
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    Try buying some Organic Shea Butter. Put it on at night and place gloves on your hands (only because it is very greasy). It is Marvelous stuff! it has natural properties that relieve itching/irritation and soaks deep into the skin. I have used it on my feet with amazing success. I'm sure prescription creams would likely work too, but I prefer a natural approach first

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