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Thread: Cat Pee

  1. #1
    Starting to feel at home...
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    Cat Pee

    I have a family that has 2 1 year old kittens at their home. Unfortunately, it seems almost every morning, the kittens pee on a backpack, or in the laundry, or like today, in a boot. The mother will rinse it out, but because there is no back up boots, the children get sent in the boots. Today, my place stank of cat pee. It was horrible. I have two kittens (the exact same age as theirs), and I, well, hubby, goes out of his way to ensure that the litters are changes CONSTANTLY, to avoid the smell of cat in the house. I sprayed a bunch of air freshener this morning right after she left, in hopes that the net parents arriving, did not smell it and think that it was my house I am not sure if there is anything that I can do Luckily, they are only b/a school kiddies, but my lord, the smell is strong. I am just hoping that it is my pregnancy sniffer that it making it SEEM stronger then it really is.

  2. #2
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    Yuck - I find the smell of cat pee revolting. I am also pregnant and can pick up on scents like crazy right now. Made yesterday's diarrhea and vomiting expose even more nauseating.

  3. #3
    Euphoric ! mimi's Avatar
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    I would be up front and let these parents know that the smell is unacceptable and they must ensure that their child's belongings are urine free. Good grief, that is disgusting.
    Norwex brand makes an amazing all natural deodorizer. I use it for the poopy smell that sometimes fills the daycare.

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  5. #4
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    To encourage a change I would tell a little lie and say "The smell is quite strong in the foyer and unfortunately a couple other families have mentioned the odour, please make sure everything that comes to the daycare is completely cleaned and not just rinsed before coming into the house"

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  7. #5
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    Yes, I would explain it to the parents that this is not tolerable and that they need to wash it thoroughly and keep it away from the kittens!! I have had cats all of my life and in the instance that you had an un-neutered male cat in the house, you would likely have a problem of them spraying around the backpack as well!

    That is just gross and any normal person would have the courtesy to do something about the smell before bringing it in your house.....I would be so embarrassed if I did that to someone else!!

  8. #6
    Euphoric !
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    Wow - takes all kinds!! (shaking head).

    Yes I would address the issue. Who sends their child to school with cat pee in their boot! Those poor kids are going to stink and get teased. I am sure the kids have runners that they could have been sent in. Would have been better than that. That is very unsanitary, good grief!!

    Yes keep these children's items far away from your kittens.

  9. #7
    Euphoric !
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    I have had cats that spray, and it is one smell that I absolutely loathe.
    Are the cats peeing, or spraying? It is a bit of a different odor, I find.
    Although, honestly, either way I would be telling them that other families are being bothered by it. Maybe "someone" in the daycare is reacting to it?
    Yuck again.

  10. #8
    Expansive... Judy Trickett's Avatar
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    Gross! Just tell them it's unacceptable and you will not allow those items in your house any more. Not only is it incredibly rude and disgusting, it will also make your own cats pee on things to mark their territory and then you have a real problem of your own on your hands.

    Just put your foot down and tell them NO!

    It constantly astounds me how inconsiderate people can be.

  11. #9
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    before my cat died (in jan) he started peeing all over the house. And no matter what I did to this day I can still smell it. Luckily I have to change all the flooring because I said so (hehe dh is not to keen) but I did everything, I washed, bleached, shampooed, bought stuff from pet smart and I did find a product called odoban to work. But it never ever goes away.

    You need to stop it right now. Start leaving their stuff outside because if you cats get a wiff they will start to mark their territory and then you will have to deal with stinky cat pee, and trust me, you don't ever ever want to deal with it. It was so bad, I would cry because the smell was so bad.

  12. #10
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    as a previous vet tech 2 things come to mind. 1 These young cats (not kittens anymore) may have urinary tract infections or 2- they are not yet spayed. Either way, they need to go to the vet for an exam. If the family is not cleaning the litter and the poor things are forced to look for alternative spots I feel sad for the cats. However; this is a disgusting behaviour and not acceptable! yuck. I would totally tell them how offensive it is and your concern for your own cats taking on marking behaviour of their own. I'm sorry you have to deal with this. that's gross.

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