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Thread: Breakast

  1. #1
    Starting to feel at home...
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    I was wondering how many caregivers serve breakfast. I feed them breakfast/snacks at 9:00 am. I was thinking on changing my schedule to snacks at 10:00 am. This would force my parents to provide breakfast for their children. What are you thoughts.

  2. #2
    Euphoric !
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    I usually give morning snack anywhere between 9 and 10. It really just depends on the day. Most parents tell me when and what they had for breakfast so I go by that. If the majority got dropped off later that day than I do morning snack closer to 10. I give small servings at morning snack to see how hungry they are...if they eat it all and want more I give it to them then. This decreases wasted food in case a child has ate a large breakfast at home. Some of my kids I have/had are not morning eaters so wouldn't eat breakfast at home and ate a lot here.

    Now that it's nicer out, I tend to give snack outside so that is usually at 930.

  3. #3
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    I feed them snack around 9:15, but it can be light, so I call it snack and not breakfast, and ask people to feed breakfast at home.

  4. #4
    Euphoric !
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    We eat at the exact same times everyday. 10:00 morning snack, 12:00 lunch, 3:10 afternoon snack. I have it in my contract that all children MUST be fed breakfast BEFORE attending daycare. If they come hungry OH well, they wait until 10 to get snack.

  5. #5
    Euphoric ! bright sparks's Avatar
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    I feed the kids at the same time daily. As all of my kids are dropped off before 8 and are all up between 6 and 7am an earlier snack works best. I do not serve breakfast and al my families know this. If their child does not eat breakfast prior to coming for any reason, at east it isn't long to wait until am snack. I also don't want only a short time between am snack and lunch because I think this increases the chance of them not eating as well then. So am snack is at 8:30, lunch at 11:15/11:30 and then afternoon snack once they get up so about 3/3:30. My kids nap for a good 3 hours daily since they have all given up their am naptime.

  6. #6
    Euphoric !
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    Breakfast is at 8am. I have a very young group, most of whom are up REALLY early (5:30-6am) and eat early. 3-5 of my kiddos still do a morning nap (depending on their night sleep and mood) so I need to feed them early to get them all down early.

    I do end of day snack everyday at about 3:30pm.

    I also do lunch and a mini snack at about 10:30 and 12noon...used to be lunch then snack but I am starting to shift that to snack then lunch as they start to transition to one nap...with the hopes of eventually phasing out that mini snack and adjusting my meal schedule to work around one big nap.

    10am seems really late to me...but my crew all arrive around 7:30 and ate long before that. I do a official breakfast in the morning now as I got sick of serving crackery type snacks twice a day. So we do French toast, omelettes, oatmeal or cereal with banana.

  7. #7
    Starting to feel at home...
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    I serve breakfast ONLY to those children are here right at open (6am) which is also the time that my own boys have breakfast. Any later then that, then they must wait for snack time at 9am.

  8. #8
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    Mine all arrive at 8 am , snack is 10 am , (apples and cheese eg) lunch is at 12 and snack at 3 . Sometimes if blood sugars dip I will do snack as needed !
    I did not raise my own kids with snack so it's different for my dd . I will offer it to her but most days she passes !

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  10. #9
    Expansive... Artsand crafts's Avatar
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    I open at 8AM and don't serve breakfast only morning snack at 8:30AM which is fruit only. Parents know they should give them a good breakfast before coming since they will only get fruit in the early morning to complement their breakfast. We have lunch around 11:30 so we can spend all morning outdoors.

  11. #10
    Euphoric !
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    I am happy to serve a parent provided breakfast to any child arriving before 7:30..... After that they must be fed

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