I just need to vent. This growing occurrence in spam on the forum feed is driving me bloody crazy. Most of the time I ignore it but I hate that it bumps threads off the feed so we don't get responses. I find that it is making the site a place I don't want to come to as often. It is almost daily it seems if not at least multiple times a week that these bloody threads overpower the site. I understand that blocking these members is near impossible as each time they are posting with a new IP address and user name but is there no way these threads can be deleted as soon as they come up. I cant tell you how many times I have reported inappropriate threads to admin with zero response and they don't get deleted. There has to be a better way of handling this. Can't an admin log on each morning and do a clean sweep of all the nonsense, I'd even volunteer to do it myself to make this a better experience for all. Its bad enough when multiple real members take up the feed with separate threads for the same topic but that is not something done on purpose I am sure, but surely you can see the frustration when members log on and post asking for advice and no one ever gets to see it because its been bumped off the screen by SPAM.
Please tell me there is something that can be done about this.