I've started a new dcg whose 2.5yr old last week. First day was brutal. She threw up from crying so much. She would cry throughout the day missing mom. Her mom is a nurse and went back to work. Apparently dcg was in a daycare a while ago, but as of late was at home with mom and extended family.
This is week 2 and we are very slowly making minimal progress. She still wails at drop off to the point of throwing up some mornings. She barely eats (she is a very bad eater at home as well and mom has given me formula to supplement, but that is an entirely different thread).
I have to be honest, I cannot stand the mournful cries, the crying in the middle of an activity when she realizes she misses mom. And once 4:00 gets here, she is a mess until 5-5:30 pick up. As soon as mom gets thru the door she is wailing.
I've seen her have fun and get involved playing with the other children, she enjoys crafts, we have a very busy structured program here as well as plenty of free play so I know she isn't bored. But quite honestly, I'm getting tired and my patience is getting thin. I flat out asked her this morning "do you not like coming here? Don't you have fun" she of course said "no". I know this isn't true as I've seen her having fun, but I'm just wondering what the longest transitioning each of you has had. I've never had one this bad. I guess I've been lucky in the last 2 years I've never had a child this upset over staring daycare and the age ranges have been from 18months to 3 years.
Her 2 week trial is ending on Friday and quite honestly, if I wasn't down in numbers I would seriously consider replacing her. She is bringing the other children down with her tears. Ughhh..
Tell me it's going to get better. Should I just ignore her crying and continue on with our day until she comes around?