Had a DCB's parent come to me twice this week saying he went home with a rash around his mouth and needed benedryl. The first time I gave him a freezie (never had one at daycare before but I find it hard to believe he's never had one before at all) this time I gave the kids gushers (those betty crocker snacks) as a treat. Apparently it happened again, although I did not notice that at pick up (dad says it was already there). Parents said they try to keep it all natural although admit to giving him gummies and dad comes in with these large polish corn puff things to give to the kids.
I'e had this boy for close to two years. He's had gushers before and no reaction. Dad says its too early to take him for allergy testing when I suggested it.
I'm not sure what is causing this reaction all of the sudden and without allergy testing I cant be sure what is causing it.
I'm really not sure what to do here. IT's summer . . . and kids et freezies in summer and I do give everyone fun treats now and then . . do I just exclude this kid from anything non-natural from this point on?