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  1. #11
    Starting to feel at home...
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    Cleaning...whats that!??? HAHA
    Seriously though...I keep a perfectly clean daycare centre in which I clean during daycare hours as I get time or at quiet time. My house is another story...its awful, maybe I should consider cleaning it during quiet time.

  2. #12
    Starting to feel at home... Sunflower's Avatar
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    So far I have tried a few different methods and found that cleaning after daycare hours made the days feel so long,wore me out and ate up the little bit of time I have to spend alone with my own kids. So now, I do all the daycare cleaning during daycare hours ( except for the disinfection of toys which I do Fridays since my daycare is open Mon-Thurs)
    I clean up the snack and lunch dishes while the kids do a little free play,puzzles,drawing s etc.
    I clean the bathroom at the end of the day while they put their bedding away.
    I wash the floors while they nap and on Thursdays I put all the bedding in the washing machine as soon as they wake up.

    I also do the majority of my housework during nap time. There is always laundry to be done around here so I also do this during the day. Although I fold it while they nap.
    I also do all my paperwork during nap time.
    This system works for me and I love having more free time in the evenings and weekends. (family loves the system too lol)

  3. #13
    Starting to feel at home...
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    Region of Durham, ON
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    I'm shamelessly addicted to flylady.net
    Anyone else here a FLYbaby?
    ~ Mama to 4, Dayhome provider ~

  4. #14
    i usually let my child to do everything he wants but sometimes when he do a big mess i tell him that isnt good what he do.

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Somewhere not warm enough
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    hey all! I merged to clean up threads!!!

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to mamaof4 For This Useful Post:

  7. #16
    Most kids have a talent to mess things up. Throw toys and other things all over the house. Get food stains onto clothes during self-feeding. And mess up the dishes in an unbelievable way. We parents spend time to clean up all the thing again and again. For making the cleaning-up easier, please prepare some boxes to collect babies' toys, make sure your kids wear a baby bib when they are eating, get effective dish scrubber and dish soap for washing-up.

  8. #17
    Yeah, I think so.

  9. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
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    Last week I was sooooo proud.

    I have started a new program, familiarizing preschool children with the school, so lucky enough to know jk sk teachers in the school we decided to start slowly visiting and observing what the big Kids do in the school.

    Then we had chance to visit our future classroom and spend some time here and there to explore activities presented in the class. So my group got in for the first time and started exploring but when they have finished they placed things where they were found.

    Before starting to explore they have asked the teachers "can we touch things?" The teachers said "yes", and between them they said to each other "yes!! We can touch, but remember our rule we can touch everything but we always put it back when we are done !!!" So they did. They explored they got things down and as they moved in the classroom they kept placing things away, same as it works at my daycare. The teachers had to write our main rule so, they can start with this approach they are amazed on how well organized we leave their classroom during our visits. And on top of that my group knew that their future classroom should look beautiful.

    I start with this process as soon as they enter daycare it progresses during the years and finally I had to see it that it pays off. Parents kept telling me that to put toys or other things away wasn't an issue for them, but I thought it was just in my place.
    Anyway, there you have some food for thought it all starts when they're little.

  10. #19
    Sometimes children are very messy. For my apartment cleaning, I use eMop service and I'm pretty satisfied with the result. At least my family becomes less allergic.

  11. #20
    Hi!!! I have a good idea for you to lighten the load, there are little things you can do every day to make the room cleaner: wipe off any stains or splatter on the mirror, keep the sink and countertops dry, wipe down the toilet seat and faucet handles every two or three days. You'll find that bathroom cleaning will become a chore rather than a constant chore, I just follow this advice and it has helped me a lot.

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