That's fantastic Teagansmom! Good for you to stand up for yourself and then go a step further to have your voice heard. Let that be a testimony to clients who use the services of home daycare providers. Will certainly make others think twice about pulling crap on home daycares.
Wow ! Good for you !!! I can't imagine how much stress this has been and is on you and your family ! When I first read your story I thought that prob is one of my worst nightmares ! I admire your courage !
Yay YOU!!! Great job and thank you for standing up for yourself. I'm the lead for the Newmarket/Aurora chapter of CICPO. Would you mind if I used your example, if it fits well, in any of my distributed info, interviews or a conversation with my MPP? This is a perfect example of how independent providers are really left twisting in the wind. I'm completely impressed that you didn't back down. Excellent work Teagansmom!