Hey Everyone,
I'm sure by now many of you have done your part to send letters and educate parents on the impact bill 10 will have on our business and parents ability to find and afford care.
There is a group (started in Ottawa) that has created a coalition to take our fight further. It's called the CICPO (Coalition of Independent Childcare Providers of Ontario). I am the team lead for the Toronto area and Durham Region but encourage you all to join the CICPO in your region. We can get more results working together than struggling individually.
Please email me at agibson.cicpo.toront o@gmail.com for more information
The toronto and durham region FB page is CICPO Toronto
The main facebook page for the cicpo is 'Coalition of Independent Childcare Providers of Ontario'
We have brochures for parents, templates for emailing MPPs (parents and providers) and SUPPORT
We are also planning a provincial day of action.
I have also been in touch with Toronto Family Services who are doing the first ever study into Independent Home-Based Child Care. They are starting with a survey and roundtable meetings in Toronto to get OUR perspective and to ask questions about how our businesses are run. The government WILL LISTEN to the recommendations these people make to the government. The more participation they have, the better it is for us. THERE IS A SPOT IN THE SURVEY WHERE YOU CAN MAKE YOUR RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING THE CHANGES THAT NEED TO TAKE PLACE. Unfortunately the survey is only for GTA and Durham region.
Please contact me and join the cause
Andrea Gibson
agibson.cicpo.toront o@gmail.com
If you are in the Toronto