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    Euphoric ! bright sparks's Avatar
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    And so the cycle goes...Health and Wellbeing

    Is it just me or is it always "this is the year" lol

    This time last year I remember we had a thread going motivating and sharing tips on eating healthy and exercise. Then life goes on and we get busy with other things. Well I'm hoping to revive things as I am crossing fingers, toes and anything and everything else that this is my year to get my s**t together and ACTUALLY change.

    This last year has been pretty rough when it comes to health. I am pre-diabetic now and at my heaviest. I need to lose at least 80-100lbs in total, so I'm just aiming for 2lbs a week. Slow and steady wins the race. I am an overeater, and in general do not take care of myself. It is a psychological issue since having constantly reinforced beliefs at my core that I am worthless. That is why I put way to much of myself into looking after others. This is a really bad thing as a caregiver by nature not just profession that rarely turns out well. I am trying my best to make changes, and some goals have been met, but it is a daily struggle.

    I meal prepped this weekend for myself and my husband and the kids school lunches. It is hard work but they all helped. My son made muffins, my daughter made granola bars. My husband made two lunches and two dinners and I made the rest. It took hours!!

    I have to get back to exercising which is my plan at naptime today. 20 minutes of HIIT plus I have stretches and core exercises for strengthening from my physio.

    I have endo and was on hormone therapy for 13 weeks. This particular drug is the most successful medication out there for managing this disease but at the 11 week mark, I kind of lost my mind a bit. I had PMDD for 2 weeks and had 3 breakdowns. Not a good thing when a person is a mother let alone a daycare provider. Fortunately I was able to stop the meds immediately and within 4 days they were out of my system. It was like night and day. After some damage control and my kids understand that this was not actually "Mom" but some nasty evil side effect of synthetic hormones...Now though, my pain and symptoms are back with a vengeance. My next step is a hysterectomy and I'm only 32. It's not a good step so early in life as I will in all likelihood have a host of other issues instead.

    This is really my motivation to get on track, FOR REAL! I know if I lose a substantial amount of weight I will reduce my pain and inflammation. I absolutely can not eat dairy, refined sugars and alcohol which is a huge obstacle for an over eater and someone whose favourite foods are cheese and red wine. Yes wine is a food group in my house lol I also live on the bench and my closest friends all work at wineries so it requires a huge lifestyle change to prevent others from bringing it into my house too :-/

    I have supplements to treat the endo which don't come with nasty side effects but they only work if I am consistent so it brings me back to how important it is that I start to value myself much more than I do.

    I know as soon as I am out of the house 5 days a week I am going to regret the ability to have an hour or two each afternoon at naptime to take some steps to take care of me and exercise. 24 weeks and counting...

    Anyone else taking steps to live a healthier lifestyle?

  2. #2
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    I'm so sorry to hear you've been having such a rough year. Hugs!

    My strain is almost all mental. I suffer from anxiety, but last year I started taking medication to help control it as I found I couldn't manage it on my own anymore. I started excercising again, becasue A) excercise helps greatly with anxiety and depression, and B) my poor back. I went through five months of crippling back and shoulder pain last year. After being assessed by the doctor it was determined that my lower back was actually the issue, and core strengthening excercises were needed. Plus the anxiety does a number on your physically. I've been on the medication for nine months now and it helps so much. Plus, the excercise helps keep me feeling healthy and I take more time for myself. My husband is really good about giving me time to myself when I need it <3

    I really hope things look up for you and you start to feel better soon. The first thing to look at is how you see yourself. Rather than getting down on your self worth, look at all the great things you do. All the support and love that you provide. You make a difference in children's lives! That is an amazing thing.

  3. #3
    Euphoric ! bright sparks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JennJubie View Post
    I'm so sorry to hear you've been having such a rough year. Hugs!

    My strain is almost all mental. I suffer from anxiety, but last year I started taking medication to help control it as I found I couldn't manage it on my own anymore. I started excercising again, becasue A) excercise helps greatly with anxiety and depression, and B) my poor back. I went through five months of crippling back and shoulder pain last year. After being assessed by the doctor it was determined that my lower back was actually the issue, and core strengthening excercises were needed. Plus the anxiety does a number on your physically. I've been on the medication for nine months now and it helps so much. Plus, the excercise helps keep me feeling healthy and I take more time for myself. My husband is really good about giving me time to myself when I need it <3

    I really hope things look up for you and you start to feel better soon. The first thing to look at is how you see yourself. Rather than getting down on your self worth, look at all the great things you do. All the support and love that you provide. You make a difference in children's lives! That is an amazing thing.
    Thank you for your kind words. I have PTSD and have not suffered from depression for a good couple of years now but I do suffer anxiety instead surrounding my kids. It is debilitating and takes over sometimes. I have meds in the back of my cupboard that I am to fearful to take and I'm making one last ditch effort to handle things naturally. It is so hard when it seems that each problem feeds another so getting on top of things at times seems almost impossible. Endo gives me chronic pain and as I get heavier I have low back pain and injure myself easily when exercising. I know I have it in me to change but having faith in myself and not fear is tough.

    I am glad to hear of your success'. That is one of the reasons I posted this so I could be motivated and hear of others achievements, even when the odds are tough. I want to help myself, I want to be able to spend all of my waking moments thinking productively, not obsessing over weightloss and all the things I don't have versus how lucky I am to have all that I do have. Life is way to short and precious.

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  5. #4
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    Do you have a friend who would be willing to get together with you once a week or so and either just talk, or excercise together, or something like that. Support is one of the biggest things that we forget. When we try to handle everything ourselves it can feel overwhelming. If you had a buddy system going, it could help a lot.

  6. #5
    Euphoric ! bright sparks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JennJubie View Post
    Do you have a friend who would be willing to get together with you once a week or so and either just talk, or excercise together, or something like that. Support is one of the biggest things that we forget. When we try to handle everything ourselves it can feel overwhelming. If you had a buddy system going, it could help a lot.
    I do have a friend who is a workout nut. I tend to push them away when they try to help. I think I have a fear of the pain and the failure. Breaking those habits are tough...along with the fact that my husband is also an overeater so we are like addicts who get together and reinforce negative behaviours in each other and sabotage. It isn't intentional and we have the same goals. When we are on track we really help each other, but the minute one of us is having a tough time, we tend to crack together.

    We have set some ground rules which do help. I can not support him when it comes to wanting anything. He can not come to me and complain about being hungry, or wanting a beer. I can not take that on and he understands so he doesn't anymore. I will crack almost certainly. I have been so committed before and this has happened. He also doesn't follow healthy eating unless I have prepped it. That is why we changed meal prep so we have equal responsibility for prepping meals for the family as a whole, not just me making food for everyone except myself because when it comes to me I can not bare to cook another thing.

    We are also going to an Overeaters anon support group starting next week. Hopefully we can go as a couple but also work as individuals to work through things and reach our goals.

    It is hard to talk about any psychological issues with friends because they can not comprehend that having PTSD is way more complicated than just choosing to change and I just can not hear that anymore. They mean well but it is more problematic than helpful. People think war veterans when in reality the majority of PTSD sufferers are silent and have not been to war. People have no time for it outside of this stereotype and so it makes support hard to come by. I have come so far, I am a completely different person than I was in 2010, I just really wish the anxiety surrounding my kids would just stop. I manage it most of the time, but sometimes I have to catch myself and pull myself back from praying for the day they are adults lol teenage years are definitely a feeder for parental anxiety for anyone haha I have a second job which really helps because I am busy. Also I'll be going to school only 2 full days a week to get my degree and will still be at home to be connected to my kids and be available to them when they need me the rest of the time, even if the terms of that changes due to them being teens now.

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  8. #6
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    It definitely sounds like you are making steps in the right direction. Good luck!

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  10. #7
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    I have struggled with my weight my entire life and even though I wouldn't consider myself slim I feel like I am at a comfortable weight right now that doesn't adversely affect my health. It isn't easy but if you want to lose weight you need really focus on the food. Exercise is very important, but if you don't watch what you eat closely it makes it harder to lose.

    I have lost a substantial amount of weight three times in my life - in my late teen years when I finally figured things out, and then after each of my pregnancies.

    I avoid any food that is white - sugar, potatoes, white rice, flour. Eat lots of veggies at every meal and limit your fruit to one or two servings a day. I also try to make at least one meal a day carb free.

    I went totally dairy free for almost 2 years when I was breastfeeding my daughter, that wasn't an easy adjustment either!

    It is not easy when you first start, but if you do this you will find results. If you can make a pledge to yourself to stick to a plan for two weeks, you will get over that hump and find you feel better and will be able to continue on.

    The meditteranean diet is also proven to be hugely beneficial to your health.

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  12. #8
    Euphoric ! bright sparks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AmandaKDT View Post
    I have struggled with my weight my entire life and even though I wouldn't consider myself slim I feel like I am at a comfortable weight right now that doesn't adversely affect my health. It isn't easy but if you want to lose weight you need really focus on the food. Exercise is very important, but if you don't watch what you eat closely it makes it harder to lose.

    I have lost a substantial amount of weight three times in my life - in my late teen years when I finally figured things out, and then after each of my pregnancies.

    I avoid any food that is white - sugar, potatoes, white rice, flour. Eat lots of veggies at every meal and limit your fruit to one or two servings a day. I also try to make at least one meal a day carb free.

    I went totally dairy free for almost 2 years when I was breastfeeding my daughter, that wasn't an easy adjustment either!

    It is not easy when you first start, but if you do this you will find results. If you can make a pledge to yourself to stick to a plan for two weeks, you will get over that hump and find you feel better and will be able to continue on.

    The meditteranean diet is also proven to be hugely beneficial to your health.
    I've lost a good amount of weight before without fad dieting so it's not a matter of not knowing how, it's about mental strength...not just willpower, but a lot of it none the less to stay on track and not get led astray by fear that dominates my mind so much.

    I need to follow an anti-inflammatory diet for my endo and that is why no dairy or soy. Natural sugars only too. I haven't had white products in my house for as long as I've had my kids, so nearly 14 years, but I give in to ordering delivery for lunch during the week, drive through on the go, eating out in restaurants if we have the time or just not eating all together. None of that has anything to do with not knowing how to actually lose weight, just the power of the mind and convincing myself that it's too hard and I can't do it. Committing to fail before I even try.

    I know so much about nutrition and wellbeing it's ridiculous. At one point I seriously considered training to be a Holistic nutritionist, and only didn't because it is rare a person can make a full time income from it and with kids and a mortgage it just isn't an option.

    At my best, I eat 5 times a day, never going more than 2-3 hrs without food. I eat fat and protein at every meal, whole grain such as brown rice or quinoa with lunch and then don't eat after 6. Gallons of water and herbal tea and unlimited veggies and 2-3 fruits a day maximum.

    I just can't seem to get my head out of my ass and overcome this ridiculous debilitating fear that makes me turn to junk and convenience. So far so good today. I made some crustless quiches in muffin tins for the weeks breakfast loaded with veg and morning snack was an apple and some walnuts. Lunch is Kale, turkey and brown rice soup. If I have plenty of food prepped it makes the odds more in my favour and along the way I have to not buy into the crap that has me doubting myself from time to time.

  13. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by bright sparks View Post
    I've lost a good amount of weight before without fad dieting so it's not a matter of not knowing how, it's about mental strength...not just willpower, but a lot of it none the less to stay on track and not get led astray by fear that dominates my mind so much.

    I need to follow an anti-inflammatory diet for my endo and that is why no dairy or soy. Natural sugars only too. I haven't had white products in my house for as long as I've had my kids, so nearly 14 years, but I give in to ordering delivery for lunch during the week, drive through on the go, eating out in restaurants if we have the time or just not eating all together. None of that has anything to do with not knowing how to actually lose weight, just the power of the mind and convincing myself that it's too hard and I can't do it. Committing to fail before I even try.

    I know so much about nutrition and wellbeing it's ridiculous. At one point I seriously considered training to be a Holistic nutritionist, and only didn't because it is rare a person can make a full time income from it and with kids and a mortgage it just isn't an option.

    At my best, I eat 5 times a day, never going more than 2-3 hrs without food. I eat fat and protein at every meal, whole grain such as brown rice or quinoa with lunch and then don't eat after 6. Gallons of water and herbal tea and unlimited veggies and 2-3 fruits a day maximum.

    I just can't seem to get my head out of my ass and overcome this ridiculous debilitating fear that makes me turn to junk and convenience. So far so good today. I made some crustless quiches in muffin tins for the weeks breakfast loaded with veg and morning snack was an apple and some walnuts. Lunch is Kale, turkey and brown rice soup. If I have plenty of food prepped it makes the odds more in my favour and along the way I have to not buy into the crap that has me doubting myself from time to time.
    That is so frustrating! I really do hope you get things sorted out. You know what you have to do, but it isn't always so easy to make it happen. Try to give yourself short term goal, perhaps that will help. I really, truly hope that you have success!

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  15. #10
    Euphoric ! bright sparks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by homeschoolmom View Post
    Have you heard of the Whole 30 program? It's not just a diet but a 'reset', giving your body a chance to rid itself of toxins and helping you to combat cravings. A friend who was an overeater and a sugar addict did the program just after Christmas, and is doing so well- it's amazing! She says she'll probably do the program a week here and there as she feels the need or slides back into bad habits. It's worth checking out! http://whole30.com/
    It's pretty much the same wholefood balanced eating plan that any good nutritionist is going to subscribe for weight loss and/or well being. Thanks for passing it on though.

    My cravings go after 2-4 weeks depending on how much my body has had to contend with prior too. As I said, I know all the how to's but executing it is another thing. That is where in my opinion it is necessary to get help in three areas not 2 in order to truly combat overeating. It is an eating disorder just like anorexia and bullemia. Healthy eating, exercise and MENTAL WELLNESS. If it is a psychological issue, no amount of knowledge of food or exercise will ever be enough. There is a vital area that is going untreated. Hopefully meetings will make things go a bit differently this time.

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