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  1. #1
    Starting to feel at home...
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    Jun 2014
    19 Times in 13 Posts

    Advertising for strictly B/A school care

    I've decided to switch to strictly a B/A care program starting Sept 2015. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions, on how to market myself in order to "stand out", etc? I'll be closed for the summer as well as Christmas Break, and open on PD Days (maybe March Break, but still unsure) I'd like to start advertising soon. I currently run a full dayhome but only have 1 child plus my own so marketing was just different in that sense. I've seen some not charge for PD Days, but with summers off, thats a hard enough hit $. Thx!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    161 Times in 110 Posts
    Market your space to older kids. Have a homework space maybe, toys geared to older kids, etc. Find out what the schools are charging for B/A school care (which here is pretty high!) and undercut them by a dollar or 2 if you can afford to. I'd choose a smaller home environment for my kids over the school's program any day. I've had a ton of enquiries for older kids, and with Bill 10 coming in (are you in Ontario?) I expect a ton more, because no one can afford to keep them.

  3. #3
    Euphoric !
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    Feb 2014
    751 Times in 483 Posts
    If you won't have any little kids then advertise that. Have pictures of age appropriate areas in your daycare space for school agers. List activities that a day home that has toddlers can't easily do (a focus on sports and games etc). Will you supervise a homework period to have that done before parents pick up? Will you have outside play?

    Somehow word it so it sounds like being closed for summers is a perk. The kids can go to daycamp etc without parents having to pay to hold their space.

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