Hi. I still have a parent who still owes $220 from the summer. I keep asking her but she says she can't pay it until I give her the receipts that I owe her from the $$ she has paid for. I have had those receipts ready for 2 months now and I have sent her numerous emails asking her to come by and pick them up. She told me she has to send them in to FRO so they can collect have of the money from her ex so she can pay me. I'm sorry but I think I have waited long enough. I have already told her that if I don't receive the money soon that I will have to file a suit against her. But she is a single parent, she has a job, she gets child support and she also gets the Canada Child Tax Benefit. I don't see any reason why she can't pay. As it was stated in her contract she was to pay me every 2 weeks. She i also trying to say that she only owes me $160. Well I keep an attendance log of the days that they are there or not. The only time I don't get payment is when I call in sick. What else can I do???