So I have an interview with a family, and they are gluten free. Mom says she will provide LOs food. I am very hesitant, because I have heard this before, moms who need special diet, but then "forget" to supply lunch or snacks, leaving me to try to substitute. So I put in my contract that I can not provide food for special diets. Here is my problem, one little guy that I just took on about a month ago, great kid, great family, is showing some gastro issues that might be symptoms of a gluten sensitvity. If he needs to go gluten free, then Mom will have to provide his food (that hasnt happened yet) so im thinking, if I have one, then how hard would it be to have two on gluten free diets? I am not interested in changing my menus at all, however any of you ladies have some kids bring their own food for this reason? Like I said, it has happened before (a few times) but there was always the forgetful days, where mom would say "oh just give them whatever, I forgot"