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  1. #1
    Expansive... babydom's Avatar
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    Need encouragement. :( Weight lost.

    I've been wanting to lose weight. A lot of weight for a long time. I've done and try so many things but it never lasts. I find the hardest thing for me is I'm ALWAYS hungry! I don't mind eating heathy and never really found it hard to chose salad or fast food. But after a while I feel it's not working and I resort back to junk. I feel after a while that I hate eating like a rabbit. I'm always hungry and I hate going into the kitchen and only grabbing carrots, fruit or nuts. It's boring after awhile and these "heathy foods" NEVER fill me up. I cry because Im so hungry! I also find it hard to prep food. When I'm hungry I just want to go grab a bag of chips and fill my hunger quick. I don't have the energy to stand in the kitchen while I'm starving to prep food. I'm just feeling discourage. I'm trying to save my marriage and I want to feel and look attractive again. But it's hard . I also think about how I'll look after weight lost, when u lose so much weight. It's not as pretty under the clothes as it is with clothes on. If u get what I'm saying. Lol. Thanks for letting me vent

  2. #2
    Euphoric !
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    I think the thing that works the most for me is to just not buy the stuff. If I have chips in the house I can't refuse them so I just don't buy them. My husband understands and we don't feed it to the kids so it works well. Salads etc are great but eat them in addition to other foods. I lost a lot of weight by eating a salad before every meal. I would end up eating a bit less of the main meal but also just having that salad I found made me feel better etc. We don't really order take out and I just go grocery shopping once a week so I can avoid the temptations. If you don't have "quick foods" in your house then it forces you to learn to wait to make stuff.

    Snacks that fill me up: whole grain pita with hummus (my "go to snack.")
    veggies and hummus

    Now, I say all this but I am pregnant now so I have not been as strict on myself

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  4. #3
    Expansive... babydom's Avatar
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    Thank you. I didn't think of just not buying junk stuff. Hubby and kids eat it so it be hard not to have it in the house for them. I don't know if hubby would change his eating ways just to help me out. I also struggle with portion control. Diets suggest so very little. I love pitas and hummus but then I think it's grains and carbs and carbs are bad. I can't eat just one. I eat till I'm full which sometimes can be a lot

  5. #4
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    I have always had the same problem! After my pregnancy even with nursing it had been impossible for me to loose the weight I had gained but with my wedding coming up in March I decided to change things up and it has been working great!

    First i used to think dieting was just about eating salads and counting carbs and calories but it really isn't. It's all about moderation! You can eat more than just salads. Chicken, pork and vegetables high in carbs are great at filling people up! Try to get your husband involved. Weather it's eating healthier or exercising together it has been so great for my relationship because we always look forward to that work out time together.

    It's never going to happen fast that's why you have to keep yourself motivated! Eat healthy foods and eat in moderation. I always use Saturday or Sunday as my cheat day to that way I have something to look forward to. Remember that losing weight involves more than just salads! I'm trying the 21 day fix diet right now and it's going really well. I do the 30 minute exercise during nap time, then in the evening run and do weights. It also comes with a shake called shakeology which is good when your super hungry cause it fills yu up so you can prep yourself something healthy.

    Try not to get discouraged and know I have been going threw the same thing! Just try changing it up! It has changed my life implementing these diet tips.

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to Dawn2Dusk For This Useful Post:

  7. #5
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    Try looking up the 22 day fix diet, I always suffered from over eating especially carbs but it basically gives you a list of food and containers so you can portion the proper amount for each food group. I was skeptical at first but it had really hanged the way I diet. I will never count calories or carbs again

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to Dawn2Dusk For This Useful Post:

  9. #6
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    I think the key to feeling full is making sure you eat a protein of some kind during every meal and snack. The veggies and hummus suggestion is great. I go for peanut butter, lean meats, eggs, nuts. Just having some fruit or veggies definitely doesn't cut it lol. Research some recipes that include healthy proteins that you enjoy.
    If you're starving all the time, your body might be in starvation mode. That's bad as your body starts to store fat to compensate when you eat again.

    Incorporating a workout routine is super important too. Even just 10 or 15min a day is better than nothing. I'm really lazy about exercise and it's hard to me to keep at it, but I'm trying my best. I have a bunch of workout dvds that I cycle through to keep it from getting boring. It feels sooo great after, it's worth it

    edit to add: another thing I forgot to mention regarding overeating and portion control. This might sound stupid, but eating slower makes you eat less. I've always been a really fast eater and often I'd eat way too much. Once I consciously decided to eat slow, taking time to chew, I found I needed less food to feel full because my mind had a chance to process that I've had enough.
    Last edited by cdngirl; 12-02-2015 at 12:48 PM.

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  11. #7
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    Carbs are not bad. Our bodies need them, that is the fuel our cells need to function. The problems are with the empty carbs. Plain sugar gives energy, just like carrots or whole grain breads, but, sugar doesn't have any nutrients.

    I know I'm not an expert, but I would suggest, first, make small changes to your eating habits, slowly. Trying to do too much, too fast is overwhelming and you are likely to feel frustrated with all of it and quit. And eat a little bit of protein with every meal. I don't know if you are a vegetarian, but meat or alternative. It can give you the full feeling that lasts longer than with carbs, which are digested faster. And the last thing, don't wait until you are hungry to prepare the meal. Eat something and then prepare more food for a later time. Like cooking a lot of chicken breasts all at once and then freezing them. If you cut them up before freezing then you can take out just a bit every time you want some, like when you make a salad. Then your salad is more filling too. I also like to put some cold noodles in salad too, and make a meal out of it.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to kindertime For This Useful Post:

  13. #8
    Euphoric !
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    I am addicted to sugar. It is funny because i do a lot to avoid it in what we eat. Heck, I buy pain yogurt and add frozen berries to it to avoid the sugary stuff. But I am ADDICTED to sugar. I get it in my tea. which i now drink too much of just to have sugar. Lots of sugar. If I try and skip my tea for the day it is ALL i think about. I stand there debating and restraining myself before I finally cave and have tea...with sugar.

    I go thorugh good periods where i can go without for over a week and i start to feel better...next thing i know i am having a tea (with sugar) and then I am back in the cycle of NEEDING sugar.

    I seriosuly can't help but feel like it is the same as being addicted to alcohol (i don't drink any...thank goodness what if it is as addicting as sugar for me!).

    Anyways my point here is...do you find the same? What is it that draws you back into the unhealthy foods? Is it sugar? Something else. I think being awake of this would be helpful. not sure how. But trying some strategies to either get over the "withdrawals" and kick the habit or having a bit a day to let your body have the taste without bingeing after trying to avoid it.

    I also agree with the above. Maybe shift the focus from food to exercise or something else to help you get healthy. If food is the weakness then maybe you can muster up the self control to focus on exercise for the time being!

    All this talk about sugar and I seriously need a tea now. I didn't have one yet...so it should be ok...right???

  14. The Following User Says Thank You to Lee-Bee For This Useful Post:

  15. #9
    Euphoric !
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    Every now and than my husband and I try not to buy junk....but than we cave and buy it lol. Pop is his weakness, chips are both of ours. We try to eat healthy and have junk in moderation because we found cutting it cold turkey made us overindulge the next time!!

    Exercise is our issue right now. We actually don't eat that bad (could def be better tho) but our lack of exercise is our biggest problem I think!

    I've been big my whole life and I dream of being thinner...but I just never have a desire to do it lol. I thankfully was never teased for my weight and my husband tells me all the time how beautiful I am. I think I'd be more motivated to lose weight if someone just called me a fat slob lmao....probably not, I'd just tell them to F off but maybe it would get my butt in gear!!!

    I do wish you luck though! The ladies have given lots of good tips and suggestions!

  16. The Following User Says Thank You to 5 Little Monkeys For This Useful Post:

  17. #10
    Expansive... babydom's Avatar
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    Thank you so very much. I don't have much support or encouragement around here so it was nice to come to this site

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